Pokémon Parallel Worlds

Elizabeth Simmons
Future Light
Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2024
“Writer takes responsibility for photo.”

In his rich filthy sunglasses,

Augmented reality sets in, he finds his delight

Hard core Pokémon battles only tough guys can attend,

through the endless night.

Civil rights struggles, he cannot see,

“Why study history of the 1960's?” is his ministry

Locked in the basement of a broken home he’s so special.

Yet, no respect for history.

But he’s a real N*, he and his friends can use that~~ word,

because it’s their ancestry

Everyone else is shitty for infusing that word!

in this overtly racist, fucked up, country,

He swears that racism, poverty, addiction, and the abuse

that plague our city, only affect guys like him.

As if someone like me, a brown woman, couldn’t possibly

Got something important to say? Women are never invited to game night. Petty!

Gender apartheid? He will not trip about that,

he has no sympathy

Women gang raped, beaten, chopped into pieces by 9 terrorists?

Think about the Yazidi?

No to the genocide of Palestinians & Jews,

everyone is forced to pick a side, believe the lie.

All Human life is precious, no one is superior to the other,

judgement awaits all in the afterlife

He’ll sink colonialism into his diatribe,

whine about dysfunctional marriages madly

Lennon sang, Woman is the N* to the world,

but attacks on innocent little girls he’ll deny

Beaten with stones, married off at 9

are not his societal grip, imaginary dragons to Fight

Such great feeling, selling your soul

just to be in the Pokémon tournament limelight.



Elizabeth Simmons
Future Light

Elizabeth is an author with a major in English Literature, and known for her engaging stories.