

Even Death doesn’t want me

Leigh-Ann Steenkamp
Future Light
Published in
3 min readApr 4, 2024


A close up of a large pink wild protea with closed leaves, spotted with dew drops and surrounded by leaves
Author Photography: Pink Princess

The macabre, gruesome, horrifying and most unsuitable (38)

My world fades in and out

In a daze as I fly above it all

And look down

My heart starts to beat again

Knocking in my chest bursting into life

I tried to stop them from saving me

Why the fuck am I still here?

They said I tried to kill myself again

They don’t see it

The abuse hopelessness hypocrisy

In the name of God I heal you

Well fuck you too

Go home and beat your wife

Leave me alone in my misery

They don’t see it fucking idiots

Or they wish not to be bothered

Only caring about their own shitty little lives

You can’t kill yourself

When you are already dead

I tried so hard every time

Everything is such a struggle

So painful so unnecessary

Death came and took me

And then gave me back

Even Death doesn’t want me

She said even in the darkness

There must be contrast

Death was never evil

But only a slight reprieve

Until it all starts again

She told me to stay

And one day I will be ready

But not yet

Leaving was never my choice to make

How many times do I have to scream it?

I don’t want to be here

I did not choose this

Perhaps not — She said — “But you can choose now, to break free”

I can’t choose better I don’t know how

I don’t deserve happiness nothing is for free

I need to earn it to deserve it

By the sweat of my brow

And the scars on my body

Atone for my sins

And become a just human being

“Don’t you see? You are pure light

You are deluded, out of touch

Letting the Dream-Killers take control

We live in a Dream-World

In an infinite timeline

In a continuous loop

You need to elevate yourself

And bridge the gap

Between there here and reality

The Ancients built Dream-Temples

Special places to connect to the Otherworld

They believed time was an illusion

Only a man-made concept to somehow

Measure and justify our existence

They believed we could

Bend and shape ourselves

We are immortal eternal and timeless

You only need to close your eyes and

Feel it expect it believe

This is true faith

Believing in yourself and your dream

And as you go along continuously

You will eventually realize

It was never about the dream

But about what you have Become

Closer to who you are

We are all beautiful souls

Creating a New World

We do not live in fear”

I wake up muttering to myself

As they stare at me confused concerned

While I softly whisper

We need to find the others

Like me

A drone shot of the Olifant Gorge in the Limpopo Province of South Africa
Author Photography: Olifant Gorge Drone Shot

Dumelang bohle!!! African Greetings!!! Please support me so I can continue to do what makes my spirit feel alive and feeds my soul; and that is to express myself through words and photos every day.



I do not currently qualify for the Medium Partner Program due to country location; South Africa.

A foundation combating unemployment in South Africa stating its vision and mission
LAS Foundation Vision And Mission



Leigh-Ann Steenkamp
Future Light

Author, Photographer. I specialize in Creative Writing and Storytelling with an emphasis on Mental Health, Philosophy, Trauma, Abuse, Psychology and Crime.