

There is nothing but silence

Leigh-Ann Steenkamp
Future Light


A Caucasian male wearing a trail guide uniform, sitting on a rock, looking through binoculars at a mountain range
Author Photography: Dries at Manutsa Ranch

The macabre, gruesome, horrifying and most unsuitable (24)

I feel so good
Breathless in my passion
You are such a tease
Luring me away from

My ultimate
All the other
Lives still to live
All the other

Waiting in line
We need to follow
The process
Score the skin crossways

Then stud with the tips
Of rosemary sprigs
Braise both sides
Put it on a slow simmer

Gently bubbling
Until it falls away
From the bone
We can both share

In the feast
While we are here
In this moment
In time

Listening to the screams
Of death
Time space reality
We are all on a journey

That never ends
Do we want it to?
Never-ending pleasure and happiness
The reason we are here

Every time our eyes meet
I can hear the sound
Of a thousand fluttering wings
Our unwilling symbiosis

Silence and song
Crisscross over the skin
The line is drawn
The point of no return

Crackling in the fire
And brimstone
Unable to sleep
Lest they come during the night

And take my soul
Your eyes
Are nearly translucent
Like the light of all

The ancient oceans combined
They change colour
When you lie
When you are not sincere

I will have to punish you now
Until you have learnt
Your lesson

There is a steadiness inside you
A knowing
Of all
That is important

I know better now
Not to get my hopes up
Too much
To not try

Too hard
To not tire myself out prematurely
There is nothing
But silence

A Caucasian male with a long grey beard and bald head sitting on a chair in a living room and staring into the distance pensively
Author Photography: Pa

Personal Note:

Vengeance only makes you crave more vengeance.

Dumelang bohle!!! African Greetings!!! Please support me so I can continue to do what makes my spirit feel alive and feeds my soul; and that is to express myself through words and photos every day.



I do not currently qualify for the Medium Partner Program due to country location; South Africa.

A collage depicting a proposed trip to India showcasing tigers, vultures and the Taj Mahal
LAS Foundation India Trip



Leigh-Ann Steenkamp
Future Light

Author, Photographer. I specialize in Creative Writing and Storytelling with an emphasis on Mental Health, Philosophy, Trauma, Abuse, Psychology and Crime.