On Hosting a TEDxWeekend

Dr. Dora Dzvonyar
Part-time Optimism
Published in
Apr 26, 2023

Learnings from hosting a 3-day retreat for TEDx organizers for creating new connections, launching new ideas, and having a blast.

A TEDxWeekend is a weekend-long international gathering of TEDx organizers with city tours and adventures, workshops, and fun social hangouts. These weekends are designed to help organizers connect with each other, celebrate the TED spirit and mission, and fall in love with the place in which they are held.

It was an immense pleasure to host a 3-day weekend for TEDx organizers from all around the world in May 2022. I summarized our learnings to help others organize their own weekends, no matter what context you’d like to bring some more connections to. Enjoy, and let me know if it helped!

Take a look at the presentation here.



Dr. Dora Dzvonyar
Part-time Optimism

Science communicator & event curator. TEDxTUM organizer, TEDx Ambassador. Doctorate in Informatics from Technical University of Munich. She/her.