How to Create an Audiogram

And create killer promotional content for your podcast

Tae Haahr
Part-Time Podcaster


Photo by Steinar Engeland on Unsplash

Audiograms are one of my favourite pieces of promotional content for podcasts. They pair a piece of your podcast audio with a waveform that makes a piece of easy-to-share marketing content.

I recommend making an audiogram to promote each new episode of your podcast because they’re incredibly easy to make — seriously, you’ll have a great piece of marketing content prepared in 10 minutes or less. But for those new to podcast marketing and audiograms, how do you put one together?

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Choose a stand-alone piece of audio

The heart of your audiogram is the audio piece that you choose for it. You want it to be an intriguing piece of audio that highlights your podcast, engages a potential audience member and encourages them to check out the rest of the episode.



Tae Haahr
Part-Time Podcaster

Wildly unpopular, mildly inappropriate (or is it the other way around?). Podcast, blogger @, &