Write For Us

Tae Haahr
Part-Time Podcaster
2 min readNov 7, 2019


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Part-Time Podcaster is a Medium publication for and by podcasters (which is currently just me). Our target audience is, as one might expect, part-time podcasters, hobbyists and new or soon-to-be podcasters.

We write for the small independent start-up podcasts, not those with their own funding and support. Our goal is to provide insights, tips and tricks that can be used by independent podcasters to start, grow and eventually, monetize their podcast.

We welcome all podcasters who want to write about podcasting to submit articles because articles written by only yours truly will eventually get boring.

Our Writing Pillars

All content published on Part-Time Podcaster needs to align with the publication’s pillars:


Podcasting is hard and the people reading Part-Time Podcaster are looking for insights, tips and tricks that will help make their podcasting easier. We intend to give them that.


Creating actionable content means that when someone is finished reading your article there’s something they can take action on, if they want to. This can be anything from a full how-to guide to simply a lesson you learned from your own experience.




Tae Haahr
Part-Time Podcaster

Wildly unpopular, mildly inappropriate (or is it the other way around?). Podcast, blogger @ TheFreelanceHustle.com, HelloTaee.com & TheModsPixie.com