Part-time writer club

The Launch of Part-time Writer Club Newsletter on Substack

Newsletter about writing for writers

Niki Tisza
Part-time Writer Club


Image by the author

Beginnings are hard.

There’s no doubt about that.

I thought today was the perfect day to launch Part-time Writer Club (PTWC) on Substack. So here we go.

1. Why PTWC, why now?

I’m launching this space to document my journey of becoming a consistent writer.

As a non-native English speaker — who wants to write in English, though — I feel I’m starting this writing journey 100 steps behind the native English speaker writers.

But I also know I must give it a go.

If you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working on it. – Michael Jordan

2. The community I’m looking to build there

Everyone welcome!

If you’re interested in joining the club because you’re a writer, part-time writer, a creator who builds on the internet, or a non-native English speaker who wants to be better at writing, the door is open to everyone!

All I ask is to be respectful to one another 😊

3. New posts

How often will you see a new post in PTWC?

To be honest, I’m not entirely sure…yet.

I don’t want to over-promise and under-deliver, so I’ll say somewhere between 2–8 posts per month.

What kinds of posts will you see in PTWC?

  • Writer’s log (kind of like a journal entry)
  • Writing tips
  • My writing experiments
  • My learnings so you can apply them to your writing

If you’d like to join the journey, you can through this link.

If you want to read more about me, you can enjoy this story with lots of food references:

