Spinning top from the movie Inception.

4 Things That Prove How Imperfect You Are

And how you are constantly deceived because of them.

Himanshu Sharma
Prabhupada World
Published in
6 min readApr 24, 2021


“To err is human”

“Mistakes are bound to happen”

We often hear such quotes but have you ever thought why is it so?

Science has advanced a lot but still, every experiment’s result is accepted within some error or inaccuracy limits.

When we are advancing so much in science, shouldn’t it be obvious to have perfection when creating something or saying something?

The reality is we have a history of accepting errors and we acknowledge them for their work.

As is said, “A person is right, until proven wrong”!

Theory of evolution!

For example, let’s take Darwin’s theory.

In 1859, Darwin was aware that his solution to the problem was mere “a provisional hypothesis or speculation,” but it was considered the best theory “until a better one is advanced”.

Henri Bergson, in 1907 negated this with his theory of creative evolution.

It stated, “Life results, not from mechanical forces as Darwinism taught, but from a vital impulse that caused evolution and this vital impulse is infused in all matter and is the source of an almost infinite variety of life forms.”

Most people still think Darwin to be true because it is passed down in the primary textbooks (sorry schools!)

Atomic Model

Another scenario is for an atom!

In the beginning, one model of the atom came, then another, then another, and so on…

Still…we accept only one right now, but is it also confirmed?

Has anyone seen an electron!!!

They say that to see something, we need light and as soon as light touches an electron it moves to a different position! So, to cover up, they came up with the concept of the electron cloud!

What do we understand from the above scenarios?

Can we even say that what we see and conclude is correct?

The things on which we are making our assumptions, our theories, our analysis of life. Is all this correct & perfect?

Here is the TRUTH:

To answer this, first, let’s see why these errors happen in the first place.

An ordinary person is conditioned to four defects. He/She —

  1. is sure to commit mistakes,
  2. is invariably illusioned,
  3. has the tendency to cheat others, and
  4. is limited by imperfect senses.

With these four defects or imperfections, one cannot pass perfect information of all that exists.

Now, one may ask what is perfect?

Hold on !! we will come back to it, but first.

Let’s see the above defects in more detail.

Committing Mistakes

For example, a celebrated American chemical engineer & Nobel prize winner, Frances H. Arnold retracted a high-profile paper stating this openly —

“It is painful to admit, but important to do so. I apologize to all. I was a bit busy when this was submitted, and did not do my job well.”

What went wrong was that the experiment was not reproducible & the entries and raw data for key experiments were found missing from the author’s notebook.

You see, even the best of scientists make the silliest of mistakes, so how can we expect the masses to not do the same!!

Tendency To Cheat

We depend on history and facts, but these facts are constantly deferred and manipulated by people. Or people tend to give half knowledge.

As we can see, the Darwins theory is provided in the textbooks but the anti-Darwin theory is not provided. This creates a particular perception about evolution that people accept as a universal truth.

Besides this, political leaders & their agendas, social status, unfair negotiation & sales, cybercrime, fraud in money transactions, etc. are all directly based on the cheating tendency of human beings.

Getting Illusioned

We often see in we cannot differentiate between reality and illusion.

One such example is the mirage observed in a desert!

Above is a simple example of how our brain takes decisions based on context and it’s very easy to fool it.

Also, have you watched Inception?

Do you remember how Leonardo DiCaprio described

How do you define Dreams?

Just like a person in a dream doesn’t know the beginning and the end. He is only about his current situation.

Likewise, this life is also a black box where we have no clue —

How do we enter this life?

Where were we before and where will we be after?

Imperfect Senses

To understand this better, you can ask yourself few questions.

Can you see in the dark?

Can you see an object close to your eyelids?

Can you see an object far far away?

No, right?

Then how can we be proud of the eyes and meaningless claim to see everything (yeah, even using the microscope!).

Our situation is just like a blind man asked to describe an elephant.

“This is a huge snake.”

“No, this is a great pillar.”

…so on and so forth.

So what is the meaning of all this speculative knowledge?

Let us admit —

We are imperfect!

Anything we make will just be an extension of this imperfection.

The famous Japanese manga Naruto beautifully talks about this. Whenever a person, no matter how strong a Shinobi, comes under the illusory trick — ‘Genjutsu’, he/she can come out of this when someone else infuses their own chakra into the person.

Likewise, a person who has fallen into an ocean of illusion, no matter his expertise at swimming by means of research, cannot win the currents on his own.

We definitely need to put him in some boat or airlift him.

This is equally true when it comes to advancing in the path of self-realization, in seeing things AS THEY ARE — PERFECTly!

Truth is but one.

Truth cannot have a hundred understandings.

This truth has to be understood with the help of the seers of that Absolute Truth.

Whom to approach to get this knowledge?

Who are these seers of Truth?

What are their qualifications?

We will discuss all these things in our next article.

…until then, Hare Krishna!

The science of the soul is described very elaborately in the book Science of Self Realization, based on Bhagavad Gita, the timeless jewel from the Indian Vedic texts. A full understanding can be gained from this source.

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Himanshu Sharma
Prabhupada World

I am an admirer of the teachings of Bhagwad Gita. I find it practical, and applicable in all scenarios. Apart from this, I also work as an SDE at Amazon.