New TouchOSC Tutorial #4: Receive Data from TouchDesigner with OSC (CHOP)
New TouchOSC is want to receive data need a little tricky setup, I think if you didn’t follow the document or tutorial won’t find out the way.
It’s slightly complex than sending data.
You have to setup every routes of element, then you can receive the data.
Receive data from TouchDesigner.
Like sending data, you need the receiver IP address. And put into the sender.
This time, TouchDesigner is sender, TouchOSC is receiver.
TouchOSC Setup
First step still be the same, to get your target device IP & Receive Port.
I use TouchOSC on mobile. This time we need get the IP of mobile phone.
TouchDesigner Setup
Create a OSC Out (CHOP), and put the IP address & Port in.
That’s it. Communication setup done.
But we have some other things to do.
Setup Route
In TouchOSC, if you want to send the data to target element to control it, needing to get its “Route”.
Also you have to know with data
I’ll take a few examples about different elements.
OSC out channel names just the route of the target it will send
Create Buttons
Simply create 4 buttons, and in the “Messages” panel you’ll see “OSC”.
“/button” is actually the route of this button.
And go back to TouchDesigner, you have to change the channel name to be the “Route”
In this example, I used “button1” the reason is TD channel cannot use “/” to be the first character.
Fader (Slider)
So, if it’s Fader.
Rename its channel name.
If the element have 2 value.
For now, I use this way to control it.
Create a multiple Messages channels for x & y individually.
Also rename them with different names.
Use different elements have to understand its parameter type and how many of it.
If which one you have questions, you can comment below I will answer for it.