Use SMPTE timecode from TouchDesigner to Resolume Arena

Partical Weng
Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2022

Before we started, read this to understand what is SMPTE timecode.

SMPTE timecode — Wikipedia

SMPTE — Resolume

⛔ As the article said “SMPTE is just an audio signal that sounds like 400 pigs screaming”. So don’t play it with any speaker.

Setup LTC in TouchDesigner

In TouchDesigner, we have LTC Out (CHOP) can generate SMPTE timecode format easily.

Second, create an Info (CHOP), you can understand what the info inside.

Filter the Scope only shows “ltc_*”, you will get the ltc second, minute & hour.

Finally, create Audio Device Out (CHOP).

Remember, don’t link it with “ltcout1” for now. (Or your ears will be gone not kidding.)

Setup Virtual Audio Channel

Next step is a little bit complicated.

We have to create a Virtual Audio Channel.

I use Mac and choose this “iShowU Audio Capture

The reason is if the SMPTE timecode sounds horrible, we just don’t play it with actually device.

So, we created a virtual output and input to send SMPTE timecode from TouchDesigner to other Software.

You can follow this steps to set up a iShowU output & iShowU input.

Installing iShowU Audio Capture (Mojave and earlier)

After setup will be like this:


Let’s go back to TouchDesigner.

Finish final setup in TouchDesigner

In the panel of Audio Device Out (CHOP), choosing “iShowU Audio Capture”.

Now, you can finally link it with “ltcout1”.

Alright, TouchDesigner part done.

Resolume Part

Open any software support SMPTE timecode is okay.

I will use Resolume Arena for demo.

Open Preference to setup these like below, basically just making iShowU Audio Capture to be the audio input. To get the output from TouchDesigner.

If everything setup correctly, you should see your SMPTE timecode works successfully.

Source File:

