Go to Participant needs
Participant needs
Designing user research that better meets participants needs with Ben Cubbon, Nic Price and guests
Note from the editor

Designing user research that better meets participants needs with Ben Cubbon, Nic Price and guests

Go to the profile of Nic Price
Nic Price
Webmaker. Human-centred design, learning and technology. People thinking, serendipity, flâneury. Reformed marathon runner.
Go to the profile of Ben Garvey-Cubbon
Ben Garvey-Cubbon
User Research practice lead @Ovoenergy previously #ofthegovernment Northerner, Tin-Tin Look-a-like (so I’ve been told), views my own. #Participantneeds
Go to the profile of Vee Rogacheva
Vee Rogacheva
UX Designer. Improving library experience for researchers and learners around the world.
Go to the profile of Will Scott
Will Scott
Mostly articles about user research/design/design research. You can ignore the rest, if you want. I just don’t see the point in multiple profiles. It’s all me.
Go to the profile of Gemma Phelan
Gemma Phelan
Lead Product Manager and gender diversity co-chair at Hargreaves Lansdown. Ex-GDS. User-centred design. Agile delivery. Choosing what not to do.
Go to the profile of Mike Dunn
Mike Dunn
User experience, service design, and the future of work / mkdnn.com / twitter.com/mikedunn
Go to the profile of Peter Yeomans
Peter Yeomans
I am a reformed educator and now User Researcher. I’m autistic. People are very odd.
Go to the profile of Christina Li
Christina Li
@chrissy0118 | Director @melonxdesign | Service Design & User Research | Traveller | London, UK