WiDS Datathon Workshops Worldwide

WiDS Datathon
2nd Annual WiDS 2019 Datathon
3 min readFeb 20, 2019

This year the WiDS Datathon initiative has grown with regional datathon workshops taking place around the globe. We are thrilled to see involvement from several of our WiDS ambassadors who have facilitated active participation and collaboration throughout their communities.

WiDS Datathon workshops have been taking place in partnership with the following WiDS satellite events:

Here are some highlights from a few of the workshops that have already occurred:

WiDS Berkeley: Datathon Collaboration Day

The open-to-all Datathon Collaboration Day featured a series of team formation activities, a tutorial focused on the competition’s satellite image data, and a panel discussion including career reflections and advice for working in teams. Mentors from industry, academia, nonprofit organizations, and government joined more than 75 participants to share resources and spark new collaborations. Welcomed with a letter signed by 16 of UC Berkeley’s Deans stretching across campus, the attendees were also the first to hear about a new Data & Tech For All week of events that will coincide with the WiDS Global conference.

Student produced video at WiDS Berkeley Datathon Collaboration Day

Organized by WiDS ambassadors Emily Liu and Mariah Rogers

WiDS Indore

Early stage professionals and students who are interested in the field of data science gathered together to work on their datathon entries.

Organized by WiDS ambassador Savvy Jain

WiDS Bangalore

An amazing turnout of 110+ participants from corporates, academia, non-profits, and startups. Numerous teams were formed and new relationships initiated. The WiDS Bangalore workshop included a demo of the Kaggle platform, networking session, deep learning presentation to give participants needed technical skills, and mentorship guidance.

Organized by WiDS ambassador Srujana Kaddevarmuth of the WiMLDS Bengaluru chapter

WiDS Cambridge

Participants in the upcoming WiDS conference joined Microsoft for a a pre-conference Datathon Workshop. Attendees took part in a data science/machine learning tutorial followed by a team-based practical session to lead into next week’s conference. They are excited to help prepare attendees for next week’s conference!

Photo credit: Dana J. Quigley; @DJQPhotography

Hosted by WiDS Ambassador Lori Ray, WeiWei Pan of Harvard and Anastasiya Belyaeva of MIT.

The registration deadline to sign up with your team on Kaggle to compete in the #WiDSDatathon challenge has been EXTENDED to this Sunday, February 24th. Sign up today!

More information: widsconference.org/datathon



WiDS Datathon
2nd Annual WiDS 2019 Datathon

The Annual WiDS Datathon is a predictive analytics challenge focused on social impact hosted by the Women in Data Science (WiDS) initiative.