Yidio, A True Silent Killer, Announces New iPhone App

Alan Warms
2 min readNov 10, 2016


(Originally published July 10, 2013 via participate.com.)

One of my favorite blog posts of the last five years is from Brad Feld entitled The Silent Killers. In it Brad refers to his favorite companies who avoid hype, limelight and just execute. Brad says:

“They just do it. And suddenly they are $10 million, or $20 million, or even $50 million revenue companies. ….

Sure — their customers and partners know who they are. Other entrepreneurs, especially ones who work with them in some way know who they are. Smart technical folks know who they are. And the geographic community that they are in know who they are since they are often the leaders of their startup communities.

But they sneak up on you. They don’t waste their time hyping themselves.

Brandon (CEO) and Adam (COO) Eatros, the cofounders of Yidio.com, fit this definition to a T. I’ve been an investor and on the Board of Yidio since 2009, and I’ve been consistently amazed at the laser beam focus, ability to ignore distractions, and the ability to plow through obstacles that Brandon and Adam and the rest of the Yidio team has shown.

By consistently focusing on solving one problem — how to watch everything — how to find and watch tv and movies online — at the granular level — they have built a great business. And I am excited that today they have launched an iPhone app called Yidio.

Brandon and Adam took that same painstaking approach to detail and focus, spending well over a year on this app, fine tuning the consumer experience, making downstream integration seamless, overcoming technical hurdles, re-architecting their platform, and testing testing testing — to create without a doubt the best app of its kind in the app store. I encourage you to check it out — here’s the download link:


And the virtual tour and video:

Here’s a link to the TechCrunch coverage:

Originally published July 10, 2013 via participate.com.

