Member-only story
Should I Be Writing About and Making Fun Of Sports?
Probably not, but here goes anyway
OK. Here’s how things have shaken out between me and sports over the years:
My father, a newspaperman, and my mother, a social worker, got together and produced six kids. I was third in line. My oldest brother was pretty close to a genius when it came to studies but fairly terrible at sports. My second brother came along and showed a mastery over both worlds — excelling at any sport he tried, as well as scoring at the top of his class.
That set the stage for my entrance, less than a year later. I’m sure my parents anxiously awaited my development, anticipating perhaps another dual talent — since I had such a close model to follow and emulate — possibly even taking my talents even higher.
I never came close in either realm. As a matter of fact, I wasn’t a complete failure at both — but I did a pretty good imitation of it if I do say so myself.
In terms of education, during my elementary school years I was in special lunchtime or after-school reading groups throughout — whenever I had a teacher willing to give up the time to conduct them. I worked fairly hard, I would say, throughout junior high and high school to maintain a B average, at best.