Peanuts, Cracker Jacks, and the Joys of being a Team

The Editors
3 min readMay 8, 2019

team /tēm/ noun team; plural noun: teams

We’re a team here at Protecht headquarters and we mean that in every sense of the definition. We work long hours to achieve our mission of protecting live event attendees and sometimes we have to let loose a bit.

And boy did we ever let loose when we went to see the Los Angeles Dodgers play the Pittsburgh Pirates on the 26th of April.

Our Dev team had been working for over a month on a top secret project, many a night was spent problem-solving as a group, and after a long and exciting sprint, they crossed the finish line together. So they deserved something special. We loaded them up on a party bus and sent them to Dodger Stadium for a peek behind the curtain. They went on private tours, spent the game in a suite, and at the end of the night ended up on the same field that’s seen the last two world series decided on.

We could go on but we thought it was best to let the team describe the event in their own words.

“It was such a cool experience getting up close an personal with the Dodgers, really it even made the fact that No Quality Assurance took place with the party bus playlist okay.” — Armando Alvarado

“As a newer member Dev day was great, had a blast hangin with the guys — fun night, made some fast friends and everyone seems a lot closer since” — Francisco Deppe

“I can say that without a doubt that that was the most trophies I’ve ever seen, but maybe that’s because I’m from Cleveland.” — Kevin Mahoney

“We work very hard as a team so it’s great that we’re able to get together and experience live events. We’re all here because of our love for them and going as a team was really special.” — Marcus Hernandez

“I hadn’t been to a game since March 24, 2001, when my parents took me to a spring training game between the Diamondbacks and Giants, I was just 5, I couldn’t get into baseball after that… but being at Dodger stadium with my co-workers, my friends, made me fall back in love with the game.” — Austin Philp

“For me, it was an awesome experience, honestly the best event I’ve gone to in the last 7 years.” — Tim Coville

“I love hot dogs.” — Ron Castillo

We’re very lucky to have such a great team, check out their adventure in the video below.

