Mauricio Mejia
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2023

Involving citizens in cohesion policy

DG REGIO and the OECD are looking for public authorities interested in implementing innovative citizen participation in the context of cohesion policy.

EU cohesion policy aims to strengthen economic and social cohesion by reducing disparities in the level of development between regions, making it relevant for citizens to have their say regarding these policies.

The European Commission’s Department for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) and the OECD are working together to promote innovative citizen participation in cohesion policy. Concretely, the OECD will provide technical assistance to managing authorities, intermediaries, and beneficiaries in the design and implementation of participatory processes.

Concrete results of the OECD-DG REGIO technical assistance

The OECD is currently working with six pilots (pairings of authorities and CSOs) across the European Union to implement participatory processes in cohesion policy:

  • Banska Bystrica and Dialogue Centre, Slovakia
  • Region of Cantabria and CISE, Spain
  • Emilia-Romagna Region and Bangherang, Italy
  • Centre for European Transport Projects, GZM Metropolis, and FADO, Poland
  • Ramnicu Valcea and Valcea Community Foundation, Romania
  • South Muntenia Regional Development Agency and NURCC, Romania

In 2021, the OECD supported an initial group of pilots, resulting notably in the Besaya Delibera Citizens’ Jury in Cantabria, Spain and the Citizen Participation Playbook in Emilia-Romagna, Italy.

Click here for more information on the results of the first phase of the OECD — DG REGIO collaboration.

What to expect and who should apply?

The OECD will provide guidance and support the selected authorities throughout the design and implementation phases of a participatory process. The OECD and DG REGIO are looking to implement methodologies that are innovative and go beyond consultation, which could include:

The call for application is open to all public authorities responsible for managing or implementing cohesion policy funds, including the European Regional Development Fund, Cohesion Fund or Just Transition Fund. Applicants can be managing authorities, intermediate bodies, or beneficiaries at any level of government.

All applications should be submitted jointly with a civil society organisation. A CSO is a non-profit organisation (private or public). Natural persons are not eligible.

How to apply?

Submit your completed application form to this email address:

  • You can download the application form here.
  • You can read the full call for expressions of interest here.
  • You can watch the recording of a Q&A webinar organised by DG REGIO and the OECD on Tuesday 7 March (password: DGREGIO2023)
  • You can also find the FAQs and recording of the webinar for the last process here.

Deadline for submission of expression of interest: Sunday 30 April 2023



Mauricio Mejia

Open Gov anc citizen participation @OECD // Mexican+French - following politics, democracy and tech news 🌵🌈 teaching @Sciencespo ex @paulafortez a@etalab