OECD Launch event: Catching the Deliberative Wave

Join us for the report launch on 10th June 17.00–18.00 CET!

Claudia Chwalisz
2 min readMay 26, 2020


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The “deliberative wave” has been building since the 1980s, gaining momentum since around 2010. Public authorities across the world and at all levels of government have used around 300 Citizens’ Assemblies, Juries, and Panels to involve citizens in tackling complex policy problems. They convene groups of people representing a wide cross-section of society for numerous days to learn, deliberate, and develop collective recommendations.

At this webinar, we will discuss the relevance of the new OECD report findings in the context of the COVID-19 crisis and explore how public deliberation can be institutionalised to make it an ongoing part of how public decisions are taken, such as the world’s first permanent Citizens’ Council in Ostbelgien.

Alessandro Bellantoni (OECD), Claudia Chwalisz (OECD), Oliver Paasch (Ostbelgien), Katju Holkeri (Finnish Government), Nathan Heller (New Yorker)

We are delighted that Oliver Paasch, Prime Minister of the German-speaking Community of Belgium, Katju Holkeri from the Finnish government, and Nathan Heller from the New Yorker will be amongst our speakers.

Please join us if you can! Places are limited. It will be possible to connect to the event 5 minutes in advance, as we will start promptly on time. Hashtag is #delibWave.

Update: The event will be recorded and shared later for those unable to attend.

The report will be available here on 10th June.

Sign up to receive an update when the report is available.



Claudia Chwalisz

Founder and CEO, DemocracyNext. Previously OECD Innovative Citizen Participation Lead. www.demnext.org