Guide: How to Verify your Particl Wallet Recovery

We’ve asked users to enter their Public Keys for the Genesis Import Account with the last portal update

Particl News
4 min readJun 3, 2017


In anticipation of the launch, we’ve asked users to prepare their accounts.

See for help with the public key generation.

A few users have since come back, unsure whether or not they’ve prepared their account correctly.

To help everyone verify their recovery phrase and possibly their passphrase, we have written 2 verification guides below, one using the Genesis Wallet Generation program, and the other using the BIP39 tool

Getting Started:

  • Once you have logged in, click on your profile.

1. Verifying your keys — Genesis Wallet Generator:

  1. Local Computer or
  2. Offline (via livecd/airgapped computer)

Local Computer

  • In your browser, select File → Save As… and save this page on your local computer.
  • Double-click that file to open it in a browser

Offline (LIVECD/AIRGAPPED) — Recommended!

  • In your browser, select File → Save As… and save this page on a USB stick.
  • Boot your preferred LIVECD / AIRGAPPED setup with Networking DISABLED
  • Insert USB and double-click the downloaded file to open it in a browser

Now you’re in the Particl — Offline Genesis Wallet Generator Tool and ready for the next steps!

  • In the Recovery Phrase box, enter your recovery phrase and in Passphrase box enter your passphrase if you set an optional passphrase.
  • At the bottom of the profile page, you will find your Public Keys for mainnet and testnet. Verify that these keys match the keys on the generator after re-entering your recovery phrase and passphrase (optional).

Compare your Mainnet XPUB and Testnet XPUB to the public key below

Verify that the first address matches on your profile

Your Recovery phrase and passphrase are now verified

See end of post if you are having trouble with your recovery phrase.

2. Verifying your keys — BIP39 Tool:

  • Open a new tab in your browser and navigate to
  • You can choose to run this Verification procedure either online on your local computer or offline using the same procedures as for the Genesis Wallet Generator tool.
  • In the BIP39 Mnemonic field enter your Recovery Phrase as well as your Passphrase into the BIP39 Passphrase box if required

Make sure not to share your Mnemonic and Passphrase with anyone

  • Verify that the BIP32 Extended key matches your Mainnet XPUB, using the 444444 Internal chain (m/44'/44'/0/444444 Derivation Path)

Make sure not to share your Private Key with anyone

  • Verify that the First address matches your first address

Your Recovery phrase and passphrase are now verified

If you find that your first address does not match, or your passphrase is not working, be sure to contact a team member as soon as possible, as you will not have access to your PART once the network launches without your Recovery Phrase and Passphrase, Root Key or Private Key

In case you need some help, our Particl Team and Community will be glad to help! Come and join us on Reddit, Slack (get invite here) or Riot.



Particl News

Programmer, Gamer and Cryptocurrency enthusiast