New Coins and Swap Engine Improvements Coming to Particl V3

DAI, XMR, NIX, USDt, and USDC Going Live Soon on Particl V3

Crypto Guard
Particl News


The upcoming Particl V3.0 update is just about to take everything you know about Particl to the next level — it vastly improves the marketplace on all fronts, introduces a brand new modular desktop application, enables multi-markets, and so much more! Check out the link below to know everything about the massive Particl V3.0 update.

Improved Swap Engine Coming on V3 Release

One of the main components that’s getting a big makeover with the Particl V3 release is the in-app swap engine. This module, which is available right inside the Particl Desktop application, lets you easily swap other cryptocurrencies for PART so that you can anonymously buy or sell anything on the marketplace. This can be done, without ever leaving the Particl Desktop client, by using the standalone swap module which is currently being powered by partners such as StealthEX and SimpleSwap.

Improvements Through Better Bot Management Support

To explain more precisely what improvements Particl V3 will bring to the swap engine, Particl developer Arnold Bansemer takes the time to elaborate on the topic.

“The biggest part of the in-app swap engine changes is better bot management. Bots will increasingly drive traffic onto the network and will end up playing a non-trivial role in getting some external functionality into the Particl ecosystem.

What we’re aiming to do with the ongoing changes being made to the swap engine is to create a set of defined functionalities and requirements for how bot info is received and processed which will push towards a standardized way of creating “legitimate” bots.

Using these requirements, the bot manager in PD will then effectively act as a “processing plant” for bots. The bot manager UI in the desktop will provide the user with a way to manage different bots (add/remove/view details/etc). Other apps (i.e. the marketplace) wanting to use a bot of a certain type, or provide bot management for a particular bot type, will interact directly with the bot manager to obtain those details.”

More Robust Framework

Particl developer Arnold Bansemer continues: “The bot manager will help ensure that only those bots meeting a particular standard set of functionality are available. For example, in the case of Particl’s swap module, it would only inquire about EXCHANGE type of bots and display the relevant information based on context.

When receiving a message on the bot listener address, the bot manager probes the bot to find out its commands, and argument types, etc. Once this is known (assuming we get valid data back), Particl apps (i.e. the marketplace) can start doing all sorts of things like show upgrade changes, allow apps to use specific versions of bots, receive specific requests or data, and etc.”

List of Swap Engine Improvements

In addition to the back-end changes being made to the bot manager, a few additional improvements and goodies are being added to the swap engine itself.

The main improvements it’s receiving with the V3 release are as follow:

  • More coins being made available to swap
  • Completely new user interface
  • More dynamic and responsive process
  • More built-in security measures
  • Aggregated display of available offers

The sum of all these changes makes Particl’s in-app swap engine as smooth to use as ever. A special mention is worth giving to whoever pushed a prediction market SMSG bot onto the network a few weeks ago, prompting the Particl team to develop a more robust and efficient framework for community bot management and deployment.

New Coins Getting Listed on V3 Release

Particl’s in-app swap engine (WIP and subject to change before release)

To support the mainnet launch of Particl V3 along with its improved in-app swap engine, new coins will be added and ready to swap on the day of the release.

  • Monero (XMR)
  • DAI (MakerDAO’s stablecoin)
  • NIX (Flare Wallet)
  • USDt (Tether stablecoin)
  • USDC (Circle & Coinbase stablecoin)

These coins not only make Particl as accessible as before by extending the number of cryptocurrencies that can be used on the platform, but they also provide new valuable functionalities by either adding an additional privacy layer (i.e. Monero) to the mix or by allowing stablecoin payments to be made (i.e. DAI).

Keep an Eye Out for More Coins to Come

This is only a beginning. Following the Particl V3 mainnet release, new coins will start getting added more regularly to the improved in-app swap module. This will create a cascading effect of added utility, network effect, as well as increase the pool of potential marketplace shoppers and sellers.

This will create a perfect storm scenario — the combination of (1) all the new coins getting added to Particl, (2) the improved in-app swapping experience, and (3) the major impact on the overall user experience caused by the V3 release will make it as easy as ever to get new people to try on Particl.

Is there any coin you’d like to see added on Particl? Then let the Particl know by on the Discord server or Telegram channel! Or perhaps you are involved directly with a cryptocurrency project? Then apply for listing directly with the application form available on the Particl website!

