Particl Added on Flare Wallet

A Private and Secure Light Wallet Working on Atomic Swaps 🔥

Crypto Guard
Particl News


Update (04–04–2020): PART is now also available on the desktop version of Flare wallet.

Particl is now available as an asset on the privacy and security focused light wallet Flare Wallet. What this means is that you can now store, send, receive, and swap PART for any of the other available assets within Flare Wallet’s ecosystem. Flare Wallet is a non-custodial wallet, meaning that their team doesn’t have access to your private keys at all, and is available on both mobile and desktop platforms.

Teamwork Within Privacy & Security Focused Projects

The addition of PART into Flare Wallet is an encouraging story amidst an industry that has unfortunately turned increasingly “pay-to-play”. When one stand up Particl community member (thanks to CaptainSkywalker) reached out to the Flare Wallet team, their team took the time to dive into Particl to see what it was all about. They then reached out to the Particl team with an interest in listing the coin solely based on the nature (especially its focus on privacy and security), vision, and constant development of the project.

The Flare Wallet team never asked for a listing fee or a portion of the supply. They instead reached out simply to ask whether the Particl team would be okay with getting PART added to their ecosystem and inquired about a few technical questions.

For this reason, Cryptoguard opened up a donation bounty for any Particl community member to show their appreciation to Flare Wallet’s approach to working with other privacy and security projects, as opposed to straight up asking for a listing fee payment regardless of the nature of the project. At the time of this writing, the donation address has accumulated a total of ~2,745 PART and will be transferred, today, to the Flare Wallet team.

This also highlights how effective a community can be. The Particl team is always open to help out and support any community member with their initiatives! It highly encourages any community member to do whatever it can in spreading the word and helping the ecosystem reach more people across the world. We’re all in this together as a big family! 💪

Flare Wallet — One Solution for Atomic Swaps on Particl’s Marketplace?

While Flare Wallet’s swap services currently work by leveraging third-party partners’ services (i.e. StealthEx), their team is actively working towards implementing atomic swaps into their engine so that swaps conducted on their wallet would be entirely trustless (as in, no middleman required to execute a swap). This was a development both the Flare Wallet and Particl teams found very interesting as it relates to Particl’s marketplace.

As it currently stands, Particl’s marketplace only accepts BTC (and of course, PART) through SimpleSwap, but it is entirely possible to add more coins using many different swap services. That means that, once Flare Wallet successfully pushes atomic swap style swaps in production, it could easily be integrated into Particl’s marketplace and Particl Desktop client.

Of course, Particl’s Lead Core Developer and Cryptographer, Tecnovert, has been working on his own implementation of atomic swaps, but as you already know, Particl has an agnostic approach to such services on its platform. An additional atomic swap solution is very much appreciated as it would increase decentralization ever more (in that case, by adding more options, thus making the overall platform more resilient) and by bringing more volume and liquidity through Flare Wallet’s reach within their own community as well as the greater cryptocurrency community. After all, Flare Wallet is a relatively well-known wallet within the industry and has a good level of brand recognition.

More About Flare Wallet

Flare is a multi-asset privacy focused cryptocurrency light wallet. All keys are managed locally and completely secured and encrypted by the end-user with a simple 12 seed mnemonic phrase backup. There are no servers that manage your wallets for you — you control everything. We believe it is important to create a wallet interface that is both fashionable and simple to use while giving it as much power as possible. Being a multi-currency privacy focused wallet, it will also include and focus on several privacy/security features:

  • Networking privacy: Flare will have the option of being routed through Tor networking to give users the best possible network privacy when sending/receiving/swapping.
  • Coin-Control support (after beta): Flare will give users the ability to control their inputs for each transaction for coins that utilize UTXO sets. Benefits of this will be outlined below.
  • Decentralized privacy swaps (after beta): Flare will allow users to swap their coins within the wallet using decentralized methods while using the NIX protocol to break the linkage between swaps.
  • Hardware wallet support (after beta): Being able to use your Ledger/Trezor for supported coins within the wallet to ensure the highest possible asset security.

For users who value their privacy, Flare will give the best support possible in any multi-currency wallet available. For users who are just looking for a secure wallet that supports/will support many popular coins for them to store their holdings, Flare will do just the job. No tricks, no signups, all decentralized.

Read their full overview blog post here.

If you have any comment or feedback, don’t hesitate to directly contact the Flare Wallet team and let them know about it by joining their Telegram channel here.

