Particl Desktop 2.3.5 Released

SMSG Decryption Improvement and Unlock Wallet Indicator 🔓

Crypto Guard
Particl News


Particl Desktop 2.3.5 has just been released and includes one important fix as well as a new indicator letting users know that they need to unlock their market wallet to receive orders and progress through the escrow process.

SMSG Decryption Improvement

To receive orders and progress through escrow, SMSG messages are sent between the buyer and the seller’s Particl Desktop. These messages are broadcast to the entire network, but only the intended recipient of a message can decrypt it and see its content.

On some rare occasions, Particl Desktop would “forget” its own key and thus, not be able to decrypt SMSG messages intended for that person. This can be caused by a small list of manipulations, for example, by manually deleting the Particl Core files and folder. This resulted in the Particl Desktop client not being able to process orders and get escrow progress updates.

This update permanently fixes this issue and will automatically remind the Particl Desktop client what is its market key, even in the case where it is mistakenly deleted.

Unlock Wallet Indicator

To decrypt SMSG messages, Particl Desktop needs to be unlocked which wasn’t really obvious for newcomers that aren’t used with Particl yet. Not unlocking a market wallet means it won’t show new orders and updates to the escrow process.

This update adds a small indicator in the menu bar of the market wallet notifying the user that bid messages cannot be processed while the wallet is locked (clicking on the indicator prompts for the wallet to be unlocked).

Get Started

Download Particl Desktop 2.3.5:


To “activate” the marketplace, you need to add a wallet named “Market” (any capitalization works). The marketplace is currently only available via the Particl Desktop on this wallet. This is a temporary requirement that is going to be taken out by the upcoming V3.0 release of the marketplace.


  • There will be an automatic update to the latest supported Particl Core version, if applicable, when the marketplace is launched.
  • Your wallet needs to be unlocked to process buy and sell orders on the open marketplace, if the wallet is encrypted.
  • The marketplace is still in on-going development, and thus is considered to be a Beta release.
  • NB!! The source code linked to here is not the actual tagged release source code. Please contact Particl for source code information. The actual source code will be uploaded and made available after an appropriate interval of time has passed.


  • Includes an indicator in the menu bar of the ‘market’ wallet notifying the user that bid messages cannot be processed while the wallet is locked (clicking on the indicator prompts for the wallet to be unlocked).
  • The marketplace now checks that the SMSG addresses used (particularly for bid messages) are properly registered. This prevents messages from being unable to be decrypted and thus processed by the marketplace in cases where the relevant SMSG address has been “forgotten” by Particl Core (such as when deleting Particl Core files and folders).

