Particl Dev Update: Particl Marketplace

October 30th, 2017 | Leveling UP

Paul Schmitzer
Particl News
4 min readOct 30, 2017


In Friday’s update I gave a detailed update on the work most of the team has been focusing on the past 4 weeks; preparing Particl GUI for Cold Staking (CS).

While October was a flurry of activities surrounding GUI prep for Nov. 10th, a small contingent of the team also continue working on crucial backend functionality for the upcoming Particl Market.

I have so much information to share about Particl products that I had to split the update into 2 PARTs. Now, let’s get into how the Market is moving along!

Status Report

What are we busy with

  • Current Bootstrap to Material migration: Development clean-up for merge
  • Marketplace GUI Designs: Categories: UX/UI Design — GUI Design: Seller Side — GUI Design: Buyer Side
  • Establish Marketplace Codebase
  • Messaging (Daemon / Core): Paid messages / Listing fee

What is wrapped up

  • Marketplace Database Design
  • Current Bootstrap to Material migration: Create Mobile menu in Material

What is coming next

  • Marketplace Categories: Initial Categories (Building and Import) — Additional Categories
  • Functions (Backend)
  • GUI Design: Market management GUI
  • GUI Integration (API Service + Consuming): Market Management — Share URI / Open URI to view marketplace item — Add item — Add Item Image — Full list — View Items (Search View) — View item — View “My Item/s” — View Escrowed item — Checkout View — Negotiation page integration
  • P2P Marketplace Governance: Consensus on removal of products (Voting)

Marketplace Database Design

Work on the underlying database for the Market has been completed. This task focused on identifying all the functions the market might see in a Buy/Sell/Escrow scenario.

DApp Shell

Juha (ludx), our developer on the Particl Marketplace database design, has been working on the DApp Shell and busy establishing codebase and structure for the Marketplace backend.

The Marketplace database has been modeled based on Kewde’s work on the Open Market Protocol (OMP). All the market database related functionalities are finished and work now continues on the Marketplace functionalities and RPC API for Marketplace GUI.

Entity Model (database):

work in progress

Bootstrap to Material Migration

Closely tied to the Particl GUI — Electron Wallet App — is the migration from Bootstrap to Material Design. All modals, components, transitions, etc have been migrated successfully and are being cleaned up for development merge.

The smooth transitions and slick, responsive design of these updates for the Particl GUI is teased ahead of official mainnet builds below.

Messaging (Daemon / Core)

Even as a team member on Particl, it is hard to grasp the amount of work and dedication the development team takes when creating a truly private marketplace until you see a task like our End-to-End Encrypted (E2EE) Messaging.

Our Lead Core Developer, Tecnovert (TV), has been tackling this task which is one of our longest in the creation of our Private Market MVP. Scheduled on our dynamic calendar as a stand-alone item and lasting 12 weeks by itself (research, coding, testing), the focus here is on Paid Messages and Listing Fees.

If you’ve been following the project at all you’ll recognize Tecnovert by his stellar work in bringing Confidential Transactions (CT) and Ring Signature Confidential Transactions (RingCT) to Particl Core. He also has kept our protocol up-to-date with Bitcoin Core development and the latest security updates in Bitcoin, making Particl one of the first projects on the lastest codebase.

Task Notes

RingCT Transaction → OP_RETURN msg <hash>

  • Hash of messages stored in OP_RETURN with no value outputs (TX FEE only), and change
  • Change goes to self, fee goes to network
  • Bigger Payment = Longer Duration
  • Formula
  • payment / size = days

Additional Items


Product categories and sub-categories have been identified and organized thanks to one of our advisors, Joe Fisher. Joe’s focus is on E-Commerce Strategy. He has a profound and long history background as a Private label online seller and Product Developer.

Joe spoke with Tai Zen and David Fong of Cryptocurrency Market in New York earlier in this month about Particl Market. Check out these 2 episodes to hear more:

Part. 1:

Part. 2:

Particl Core

What are we busy with

  • API to filter transactions


We have released a minor update to Particl Core that can be downloaded here:

Release Notes:

  • New rpc command filtertransactions.
  • Fixed startup crash on windows versions.

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Thank You

Particl Team



Paul Schmitzer
Particl News

Husband, Father, Architect, Bitcoiner — Communications Director | | |