Particl Dev Update: September 14th, 2017

Readying for Bitcoin 0.15 Compliance

Paul Schmitzer
Particl News
2 min readSep 15, 2017


The end of Q3 is fast approaching and Particl will be releasing a number of products as September comes to a close.

Bitcoin Core 0.15.0 Released and Particl was Ready

Bitcoin Core released a major release today, release notes can be found here. Tecnovert has been hard at work reviewing the 0.15 release candidates the past month and updating Particl Core to comply with the latest developments and improvements of this major release. One of the hot topics has been the bug related to preemptive partitioning that was disclosed at Breaking Bitcoin last week.

Keeping pace with the Mother Code

One of the top reasons Particl built our decentralized privacy platform on the latest Bitcoin protocol was to stay in step with the world-class developers working on Core. The team will be releasing a mandatory update to Particl Core shortly with Bitcoin Core 0.15.0 updates merged over. Anyone interested in the technicals can see TV’s commit here:

Particl will be one of the first projects after Bitcoin protected from the preemptive partitioning bug when we go live with the latest Particl Core release. This is solid work from Tecnovert and we won’t blame you from shouting it from the roof!

Upcoming Products — in no particular order

  • Particl Copay App
  • Particl Electron Wallet App
  • Particl Release
  • Particl Electron Wallet App released on Testnet6
  • Particl Electron Wallet App released on Testnet7
  • Cold Staking on Mainnet

Upcoming Hardfork

As part of merging Cold Staking onto mainnet we will be having a mandatory hard fork coming soon. More information will be released as preparations are made.

A reminder that development updates can be found on our website:

Thank you

Particl Team



Paul Schmitzer
Particl News

Husband, Father, Architect, Bitcoiner — Communications Director | | |