Particl Project Status Report: August 29th, 2017

Development Update

Paul Schmitzer
Particl News
2 min readAug 29, 2017


Status Reporting

In our last project update post we revealed the latest version of our roadmap and hinted at a new section for our website aimed at providing more transparency in our development process. Below is a summary of what is keeping us busy. More detail can be found on the website.

⏰ What are we busy with

- Release of GUI TestNet

— UI Integration

— GUI Components

- Particl Market Place

— Current Bootstrap to Material migration

— Market Place GUI Designs

- Particl Copay based App

- Particl Core

— Backend conversion from Bitcoin 0.14 to Bitcoin 0.15 investigation

☑️ Waiting for review

- GUI Components

— Menu Animations

— RPC Service

— HD wallet import and generate mnemonic seed

— Transaction Page — Design review

— App-Password / unlock modal

— GUI functionality bugs

— GUI Modal Bugs

— Daemon Modal

— Syncing Modal to show connected peers

- Particl Market Place

— Initial category listing

🏁 Wrapped up

- Release Particl roadmap

🌟 What’s on the Horizon

- Particl Marketplace

— Marketplace Categories

— Establish Marketplace Codebase

— Database Design

— Messaging (Daemon/Core) — Paid messages / Listing fee

— Functions (Backend)

— GUI Design

— GUI Integration (API Service + Consuming)

— P2P Marketplace Governance

Thank you

Particl Team



Paul Schmitzer
Particl News

Husband, Father, Architect, Bitcoiner — Communications Director | | |