Influencer Marketing: Understanding Your Customer

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4 min readOct 30, 2020

Nowadays a lot of Brands are emerging to the society, along with the varieties of products, from tech, FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods), F&B (Food & Beverage), Health, Beauty, and many more. People usually choose which Brand that suits them and most of them would prefer the quality of product or the price. The main question arises from your mind is “How Do Brands Win Their Prospect Customers’ Heart Among These Competitors?”.

Influencer Marketing is one of the rising up strategies used by Brands to reach their audience. Based on a benchmark report by Influencer Marketing Hub in 2019, 83% of consumers who have joined surveys claimed their purchased items are from influencer’s recommendation.

So, What is Influencer Marketing? It is the way a Brand introduces their product by using influential people who have followers that value their opinions. Since communication is the main important aspect to attract more customers, this can help Brand to connect and communicate with their prospective customers more closely, this also an opportunity to obtain respect from these influencer’s communities.

Choose The Right Influencers

Basically, there are 4 Types of Influencer, first mega-influencers, second macro-influencers, third micro-influencers, and last nano-influencers :



This influencer has millions of followers, they are categorized as a public figure or celebrity. Only a certain tier of Brands are able to use their service because their rate card is expensive. They have the highest reach compared to other influencers types, but low engagement in their content, because they rarely communicate with their followers.



This influencer has followers above 100,000, they are known as content creators, their reach is lower than Mega Influencers, they have higher reach compared to micro and nano influencers, their engagement rate started from 1% — 3%, this type is almost similar with Mega Influencers, the only difference is most of them are renowned in the internet world.



This influencer has followers below 100,000, they are known as expertise or specialists in their field. These influencers have different profiles, such as beauty, fashion, foodie, automotive, or even tech. Despite this, their followers are fewer than Macro Influencers in fact they are stronger in community and segmented. Their engagement rate started from 3%- 5%.



This type is interesting compared to the others. They have followers for maximum barely reach 2,000, they are known as everyday people and organic users, their social media profile more related to their hobbies, favorites, and personal opinions. So what kind of specialty do these everyday people have compared to other types of influencers? They have the highest engagement rate starting from 7% — 10% or even more. Their circle of followers are their friends, family, or colleagues. So their opinions mean something to their circles.

Furthermore, within these influencers Brand can choose any of them based on Brand’s campaign purposes, the bigger influencer Brand hires, the much more money will be spent as well. Beyond the varieties of influencer’s rate cards, there are questions that would appear on Brand’s mind, so how can they make people believe in their product? Because even when Brand has to spend so much money on one influencer, sometimes the effect of the big influencers doesn’t give an advantage to the Brand. Moreover, in this new era, Brands must understand people spend most of their time on the internet, find news on social media and share their thoughts on the internet by reviewing or directly messaging their friends on social media.

Since trust issues often appear as Brand’s consideration in conducting marketing in social media, there is an application that might solve most of Brand’s problems in obtaining trust from their prospective customer. Partipost Indonesia is a crowd marketing platform that allows brands to connect with people in order to create word of mouth advertising through social media. This approach provides a solution for Brands to let people talk about their product in a fresh and new way, people share their honest reviews to persuade their families or friends in a soft approach, so Brands are able to obtain trust from their prospective customers.

In order to understand more about word of mouth advertising and how is it possible to use organic people in bulk within one campaign to share an honest review about your product, please feel free to contact our Brand Specialist Strategist here, contact email:




Marketing Specialist, Partipost Indonesia