BYOC Bridge/Node Registration Live on Mainnet Beta!

Partisia Blockchain Foundation
Partisia Blockchain
4 min readJan 17, 2022

Hello Partisia Blockchain Community Members,

We’re proud to announce that you can now bridge Ethereum (Ropsten Test Network) from Metamask to your Partisia Wallet to fill your gas tank and start making transactions on Partisia Blockchain! The Partisia Bridge is a state of the art cryptographic design which uses MPC technology to secure a larger oracle which manages a separate, smaller oracle which each node operator controls a piece of. Diagrams of our innovative cross-chain oracle solution as well as an open sourcing of the technology are coming soon.

For those of you unfamiliar with Partisia Blockchain, we use a BYOC (Bring Your Own Coin) model, where users import coins across the Partisia Bridge in order to use them to pay fees on the network. Our first demonstration is using Ethereum. As mentioned above only the Ropsten Test Network is supported as we remain in beta until the official Mainnet launch during Q1. Node operators earn these liquid coins, such as Ethereum, rather than the traditional network setups, which node operators earn the native currency for facilitating transactions and operations. MPC tokens are staked and held in accounts as collateral in order to secure and run nodes on the Partisia Blockchain.

If you were an early contributor and purchased MPC tokens already, you’re now able to stake your MPC and register your node automatically. First, you must add Ropsten ETH to your wallets by using and then you can automatically register your node. Currently, only users who have already purchased MPC tokens in the early contribution round can register their nodes — do not bother attempting to register your node yet if you do not have MPC Tokens in your wallet.

First, get your node running by following the documentation here: Once your node is running, you can register it by following the steps below:

  1. Connect your Metamask Wallet to Ropsten Test Network, fill it with some Ropsten Eth using the free faucet at:
Set Metamask to Ropsten Test Network

2. Connect your Metamask to the website and enter the amount of ETH to send to your wallet as well as your corresponding Partisia Wallet address. Click the “Deposit” button and you will see the pending transaction

Fill in the amount of ETH you would like to send + Partisia Blockchain Wallet destination address. Click Deposit
After you click deposit, the status of your transaction will start pending. Please be patient for a few minutes.

3. Once the transaction finalizes, you will be able to view the “Gas Balance” inside your Partisia Wallet. For now, the gas balance displays as a large number, but that will be updated soon to reflect the exact balance of the Ethereum amount you deposited.

Your Gas Balance will display the ETH you bridged to your Wallet

4. Now that you have some Gas Balance, you can stake your tokens, and register your node. The minimum MPC token balance to register your node is 40,000 MPC tokens. In order to stake, copy paste your Partisia Blockchain address into the search bar on Your account details will then load, and you can click the “Stake” Button. Type in “40000" as your amount to stake in order to be able to register your node afterwards.

Click Stake MPC Tokens and Stake Amount “40000"

5. Final Step: Register Your Node! Click the “Register Node” Button at the top of the page, and generate or enter your BLS Key:

Click Continue once you’ve entered your BLS Key. Make sure to save it in a safe place!
Enter your Node Operator Information and Submit Your Registration to the Blockchain!

It is important you register your proper information on the “Submit Info” section in the page shown above. Partisia Blockchain uses a “Proof of Trust” consensus where nodes are all identifiable to ensure that there is only 1 node per identity. This avoids the collusion we see occur in Proof of Stake networks such as EOS which ultimately centralize / ruin the integrity of the chain.

If you have any other questions, please DM @bryanpartisia on Telegram and he will add you to the private node operators discord group.

We look forward to adding more nodes to the network and getting to know you all better in the Discord Channel!


Partisia Blockchain Team



Partisia Blockchain Foundation
Partisia Blockchain

The official account of the Partisia Blockchain Foundation. Bringing MPC and Blockchain together to enable the scale of all blockchain use cases.