Conference Thoughts: Part 2

Bruce Ahn
Partisia Blockchain


During the month of September, I’ll be traveling to a few conferences, and doing a few speaking engagements. As a part of the conference going, I’ll be providing a few thoughts on what I have seen, people and projects I have met and the changes and trends emerging in the last year or so in the industry.

Token 2049

My first time in Singapore! The second week of my event experience was at Token2049 in Singapore where I got my first taste of a city I heard so much about but never experienced. I expected it to be a very high end place with expensive cars and high rises. To my surprise it was more like a mix between Hong Kong and Miami. A very laid back Hong Kong maybe? Either way it is an amazing place and I’m wishing I could stay a bit longer

The week was far more busy than Korea Blockchain Week (KBW) where there was a significant event every day.

Monday: Eth Singapore — The event was co-hosted by AngelHack who is a good friend of ours. Ryan, the CEO, helped us feel at home and we discussed our potential future collaboration. (more to come in the future) It was once again devoid of L1 but I did see quite a number of cloud computing providers selling their services. From Google to Huawei, more and more cloud service providers were looking to help build nodes on blockchains.

Tuesday: Decompute (MPC conference) - On Tuesday I visited a specifically MPC based conference called Decompute. Yes, an actual MPC dedicated conference in a blockchain week! It was amazing to see a ton of MPC focused blockchains coming up and to me it showed the continued emergence of privacy solutions in blockchains. From Nillion to Aptos to other various smaller names, a lot of folks were working on MPC solutions. In fact, during the Q&A session with Aptos, someone raised a question asking “how does this compare to Partisia Blockchain’s preprocessing method?” 0_o Wow, someone who actually has heard of us!!! I made sure I got his contact and will be following up with him in the future. 🙂

Wednesday: IoTex side event (where we were one of the sponsors) — Wednesday was the big event for us where we had Brian Gallagher speak in a large side event held by IoTex (one of our future integration partner) and we presented our interoperability model. We also showcased our new banners which we think are much cleaner than our old ones. While I grayed out the new logo here on these pictures, we will be revealing this soon. With Vinny and Markus with us, we made sure our presence was felt!

Thursday: Token2049 — Thursday was the visit to the main conference. And there was a huge difference between KBW and Token2049. It was two full floors filled with booths to the brim. There was absolutely no way you could visit them all and all I got was just a very small sample of the different projects that were on display there. It certainly did not feel like a bear market at all.

With that said, like in KBW, the main theme was in ZKP, interoperability, NFT and a lot of service providers.

Packed house. Was on line for 30min+
Rows and rows of booths like this in two floors
A barber shop in the middle of the conference. I should have got a haircut
You know who this handsome devil is?

I met up with a ton of potential leads, which we will combine with the KBW and beginning next week, we will begin following up on them.

My next stop will be in Zug to attend the CV conference with a larger Partisia Blockchain team in early October and then off to Milan for a speaking engagement at EthMilan. If you are around the area, please let me know. I would love to say hello!



Bruce Ahn
Partisia Blockchain

Head of Developer Relations, Partisia Blockchain Foundation