Privacy-Protecting Search Service Kin Launches on Partisia Blockchain!

Darius Goore
Partisia Blockchain
2 min readNov 17, 2022

Kin’s Revolutionary Internet Search Service Leverages Partisia Blockchain to Give Users Control

We are extremely excited to announce that Kin, the next-generation search service has chosen Partisia Blockchain as its data platform. Kin is aimed at disrupting the business model of legacy search giants with a state-of-the-art, user-centered search platform that inadvertently offers a perfect use case for Partisia Blockchain’s privacy-preserving, scalable and decentralized network. Our multi-party computations are precisely suited to enabling Kin’s community revenue-sharing model to enable end users to remain in control of their personal data, profit from it, and simultaneously access the highest quality sources of information available online.

At its core, Kin is a patented web 3 search engine platform that rewards users for shopping and searching via its network and provides search results based on the preferences of individual users instead of advertising revenues. This contrasts starkly with the conventional ad-based search model, which Kin sees as inefficient and dangerous. Created after years of research and development and utilising patented, proprietary technology, the new search engine is ad-free, preserves users’ privacy, is powered by its own community-owned token-based economy, and reduces the carbon footprint of search.

The Kin search interface will be familiar to anyone using Google or other popular search engines; however, the user experience that Kin offers is different. First, the ranked results are at the very top of the page rather than the usual adverts. Also, the right-hand corner displays a total of the reward tokens that have been earned by the current user and represent the user’s part ownership of the Kin community ecosystem. These tokens will be tradable in the future and their value is expected to increase as the user community grows.

The utility token (KIN-MPC) which will power the new search engine’s rewards ecosystem was developed in concert with technology partners from the Partisia Blockchain. The tokenomics model is explained in detail in the company’s white paper. In brief, Kin users are rewarded with tokens for search activities that generate revenue, or that help to grow the community, creating a continual need for a limited supply of tokens as the community grows.

After unveiling its new branding as Kin and publishing its white paper last week, the Kin prototype is now available for public use with the launch of the full beta scheduled for early 2023. Check it out here.

Read the KIN white paper

