3 Things You Can Adopt from Allbound’s Sales & Marketing Stack

Kyle Burnett
Partner Sales Acceleration
4 min readAug 30, 2017

Your sales and marketing teams use various tools and technologies. It’s a no-brainer. This combination of software products and technologies is called your stack. Ideally, the tools your team uses enables your entire organization, including your partner channel, to be effective. Your stack should empower partners, improve processes, and accelerate sales.

However, there’s sometimes a gap between sales and marketing. It doesn’t need to be this way though. In fact, adding a channel layer such as Allbound to your current sales and marketing stack centralizes and connects your people, content, and technology.

Rather than work against the current, Allbound integrates with your tools to create a seamless solution. Here are three things you can learn from the Allbound sales and marketing stack.

1. Marketing Automation

Both marketing and sales want to fill the sales funnel. However, generating and converting leads is easier said than done. In fact, only 21 percent of marketing leads convert into sales.

If it weren’t already apparent, the importance of utilizing the right lead generation tools is now crystal clear. Indeed, the most successful teams use a formalized system to organize and store leads.

Individual platforms can organize your marketing efforts. They can tell you exactly how many people are visiting your website, the names and email addresses of prospects, and the action they take before and after filling out a lead conversion form. Sure, this is important — even critical — information. However, all-in-one tools that integrate with sales enablement tools organize marketing and sales information to enable sales teams to search, share, and consume information.

From social media to email marketing, all-in-one platforms save time by automating processes. Tools such as HubSpot and Marketo include lead capture and contact insights features. These technologies integrate website forms, add contacts to your existing contact database, and help teams create lead flows — such as pop-ups, hello bars, or slide-ins — to convert visitors into leads.

2. Increased Communication

Sure, standalone communication tools facilitate effective departmental communication. But are they really fueling collaboration across your organization? Because partners are representing your company, they rely on you to provide the tools necessary to their success. With the right internal efforts and technology, cross-departmental collaboration is entirely possible.

There’s no debate that tools such as Slack, Salesforce Chatter, and other instant messaging software improve communication efforts. They enable your partners to directly reach you. And when leveraged properly, they can even inspire your channel to share information and best practices and collaborate among themselves.

These days, however, sales acceleration platforms are consolidating all communication efforts. The best partner tools boost collaboration with built-in communication functionality. In other words, they don’t just manage your communication efforts — they empower reps to succeed.

Like Slack and Salesforce Chatter, Co/Labs integrates directly with Allbound to deliver messaging and collaboration capabilities. This robust solution simplifies communication and collaboration between organizations and their channel partners. Partner enablement, deal tracking, and marketing support: It’s all here.

3. Accelerated Performance Through Data and Reports

By now, you’re probably aware of the benefits of CRM. Incorporating these tools into your sales and marketing stack improves informational organization, data and reporting capabilities, and customer service. They also greatly reduce those pesky administrative tasks.

Salesforce has become synonymous with CRM over the past several years — and for good reason. It’s pretty damn helpful. Salesforce stores customer insight and takes the burden of tedious tasks off the shoulders of your employees. CRMs such as Salesforce can even improve customer retention by as much as 27 percent.

Imagine what it’s like to reap the benefits of your favorite CRM while interacting with other tools. That’s what a sales enablement tool can do to your stack.

Integrating an all-in-one tool into your stack enables your team to access all your CRM customer data and turn insight into action. With Allbound, you can create single, 360-degree views of each customer and prospect as well as send out customized content across each interaction. You can increase engagement straight from your marketing platform.

By integrating sales and marketing operations, a sales acceleration tool inspires seamless customer engagement and stellar customer service — which is the point of sales in the first place, isn’t it?

Want to learn more on making the most of your technology? Download Allbound’s channel sales and marketing stack guide.

Originally published at www.allbound.com.



Kyle Burnett
Partner Sales Acceleration

Co-Founder of Little Taller & Allbound // GCU Adjunct Professor