Diversity and Tech Jobs in NYC

Chris Mitchell
Partnership for New York City
2 min readAug 26, 2019

Tech has transformed nearly every sector of the city’s economy in recent years — from financial services, to health care, to professional services. Companies in all sectors now employ more tech workers than ever in positions such as software developers, systems analysts and user support specialists. Across all sectors, growth in tech jobs has outpaced the citywide average by 2 to 1 since 2009. These jobs tend to be high-paying with a median income of $106,000.

However, tech growth has not benefited all New Yorkers equally. Women and people of color are chronically underrepresented in tech. Less than one-fifth of tech jobs are filled by blacks and Hispanics; less than one-fourth are filled by women. A similar lack of diversity afflicts Silicon Valley and the nation.

Tech’s lack of diversity is even more stark in certain occupations. Women and people of color are especially underrepresented in the high-productivity tech jobs, such as software developers, which account for one-fourth of the city’s tech workforce. The occupations that are relatively diverse tend to be lower-paying occupations, such as computer systems analysts and computer user support specialists.

However, New York City can be a leader in diversifying tech. The city already outpaces Silicon Valley and the nation with a greater share of diverse talent entering tech jobs. Even among software developers, New York has over double Silicon Valley’s concentration of black and Hispanic workers — 9% vs. 4%. With New York’s more diverse talent pool, employers have an unparalleled opportunity to unlock the innovation that a diverse workforce cultivates.

