Launching the NYC Small Business Resource Network: A New Hub to Tackle Pandemic Relief

New York City’s economic recovery hinges on the survival of small business communities in every borough. Their recovery will require the full scope of expertise and resources that New York City has to offer. That’s why we’ve teamed up with the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, New York City Economic Development Corporation and the five borough Chambers of Commerce to launch the NYC Small Business Resource Network, a resource hub for employers hit hardest by the COVID-19 shutdown.

More than 230,000 small businesses employ 1.3 million people in New York City; however, due to the pandemic, 500,000 jobs of those jobs have been lost. Without the funds and tools to restart, tens of thousands of business owners are at risk, particularly entrepreneurs of color.

The NYC Small Business Resource Network is a one-stop-shop to help tackle mounting barriers to economic recovery, with a specific focus on reaching minority-, women- and immigrant-owned businesses. The initiative, funded by a $2.8 million grant from the Peterson Foundation and additional in-kind support, gives neighborhood storefronts and other small enterprises personalized guidance and resources to help to sustain their businesses.

To oversee recovery efforts and outreach at the community level, the Network provides on-the-ground support for local businesses through Chambers of Commerce in each borough. A team of 22 dedicated Small Business Support Specialists will work directly with owners to help them access critical services and opportunities, including:

  • Business development, marketing, and procurement opportunities
  • Capital access
  • Legal, accounting, and real estate needs
  • Strategic volunteer resources
  • Technology upgrades

Business owners can access resources by contacting a Small Business Support Specialist in their borough at

