Our Year in Photos

Partners In Health
Partners In Health
Published in
3 min readDec 23, 2016

As 2016 draws to a close, it leaves in its wake events that have transformed the world. In the midst of change, Partners In Health continued to provide health care in places that don’t often make the headlines.

At the front doors of people’s homes, in the wards of clinics, and at hospital bedsides, PIH staff spent the year doing what we have done for almost 30 years: making access to health care more equitable.

Here’s a glimpse at how we did it in the countries where we work, from Mexico and Haiti to Russia and Lesotho.

Two-year-old Ferlanda Louis (center) receives a visit from PIH’s malnutrition team in Boucan Carré, Haiti.
(Cecille Joan Avila / Partners In Health)
Nurse Lauria Cadet specializes in neonatology and pediatrics at University Hospital in Mirebalais, Haiti.
(Cecille Joan Avila / Partners In Health)
Eneles Manyamba (center), 67, has worked with PIH for nine years. She takes mothers and their newborns for checkups in Neno District, Malawi. (Jeanel Drake / Partners In Health)
PIH’s Dr. Maxo Luma and Banabus Kumeh, who is 62 and suffers from tuberculosis, talk at the National TB Annex in Monrovia, Liberia. (Rebecca E. Rollins / Partners In Health)
The women’s ward at the National TB Annex. (Rebecca E. Rollins / Partners In Health)
Hurricane Matthew devastated southern Haiti in October. (Rebecca E. Rollins / Partners In Health)
Fourteen-month-old Maylove Louis is recovering from malnutrition. She and her grandmother, Jeanette Desperance, live in Boucan Carré, Haiti. (Cecille Joan Avila / Partners In Health)
PIH has cared for people living in rural, mountainous areas of Lesotho since 2006. (Rebecca E. Rollins / Partners In Health)
Rethabile is Mareitumetse Mosi’s first child. He was born at a health center in Nkau, Lesotho.
(Rebecca E. Rollins / Partners In Health)
Motsamai Macheli, who is from Maseru, Lesotho, recovered from multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and was featured in PIH’s 2015 annual report. (Rebecca E. Rollins / Partners In Health)
PIH community health workers share exercises with families to help them treat their children with developmental delays in Carabayllo, Peru. (William Castro Rodríguez / Partners In Health)
Sergey Goryunov (left), a long-serving PIH driver in Tomsk, Russia, has been bringing food to patients’ homes for years. Alexander (right) fully recovered from tuberculosis. (Elena Devyashina for Partners In Health)
Lovenyou Pierre is 17 months old and recovering from severe malnutrition in Boucan Carré, Haiti.
(Cecille Joan Avila / Partners In Health)
Marie Elizabeth Guerrier (left) and Alice Regis (right) sort peanuts to make a nutritious paste that PIH gives to malnourished children. (Cecille Joan Avila / Partners In Health)
Residents in Kono District, Sierra Leone, watch a cook demonstrate how local ingredients can make healthy meals.
(Jon Lascher / Partners In Health)
Nurse Mariama Gbangba cares for women in the maternity ward of Koidu Government Hospital in Sierra Leone.
(Jon Lascher / Partners In Health)
Community health workers Yadira Roblero (left) and Magdalena Gutiérrez (right) check up on patients in their homes in Chiapas, Mexico. (Aaron Levenson / Partners In Health)
At Butaro Hospital in Rwanda, Dr. Cyprien Shyirambere examines Samuson Gashema, 4, who had Wilms’ tumor, the most common form of kidney cancer in children. After chemotherapy and surgery to remove his kidney, Gashema is doing well. (Cecille Joan Avila / Partners In Health)
Elisabeth Nyiramana (left) survived breast cancer and lives in Burera District, Rwanda. Laurence Mukantaganda (right), a social worker, regularly visits her. (Cecille Joan Avila / Partners In Health)

Some names have been changed.

