Their Call, Calico: The Series

Part Eleven

Good Day, Adam
Part Reads
11 min readApr 9, 2024


Back to Part Ten | Table of Contents
Based on Original Published Work by Author

☯ Legend on reading Calico’s Life:

☴ Indicator for dialogue: “ ”
☶ Indicator for thought, and lyrics: Italic Font
☱ Indicator for action: Bold Font or wording with quotations.
☳ Poems and Songs [ are indicated ]
☷ Names : Bold Italics
☵ Setting set inside: Brackets: {SETTING}/{BOLD}

{ The sound of flames rushing endlessly pulses with the murmur of muffled voices, and the breaking of wooden supports in the nearby homes.}

“ It looks like she…ya, she, is coming round. Her eyes are opening.”

{ Gammina’s eyes begin to open, as a single tear forms in her left eye and drips on down. }

“ (whispers to herself) I guess… the gorilla whore aren’t so bad… but my Calico. My arms, I can’t move. ”

Gammina starts to whimper.

“ Let’s see if we can turn her over. It looks like she is having a spasm. ”

Quentin helps with both Yurry and Mirra, to turn her over. Gammina’s arms are not moving and her head drops to the Earth.

“ (continues whispering in pain) I think I am dying. But, oh how I want to live to see my Calico… if he’s alive. ”

“ I don’t know how long she was bound, Yurry. She was tied… tied to that melting Buddha statue over there. ”

“ Come on sweet girl. Mirra’s got you. ”

Mirra sits down and starts stroking Gammina’s neck. More tears begin to form in Gammina’s eyes.

{ The sound of clanking approaches the platoon team. Quentin looks up to see what is heading their way. }

“ Armistice? ”

Mirra and Yurry look up in response.

“ It looks like the paint sample came to us. ”

“ My God! My God! Fuck! Well, it looks like he went out with his dick out! ”

Mirra gets up, walks by one of the burning huts and yells out loud in anger. She then notices two baby pandas run out of a nearby hut. Mirra vomits.

Calico, Lemur and Rendemra stop at a visible distance.

“ You stay here Rendemra. Lemur make sure to try pulling the stick leg if he does anything, that one seems to be more damaging.”

“ She is my grubby. ”

“ Her suffering by you ends. No more. It’s my call, Rendemra. ”

Calico goes forward.

Rendemra’s breathing increases as tears start to water.

“ My grubby! ”

Lemur pulls the metal prosthetic leg, and Rendemra lowers down. Rendemra starts biting into the debris, and forest vegetation looking helplessly for a way out.

“ It’s the father panda I rescued and his daughter. It was bound, too. Who did this? Was it that monster over there?
Wait… this is her… ”

“ Sorry, hold up. There are other animals trapped here? This mission. ”

“ Hell has no boundaries, hermano. ”

Calico slowly approaches to see how the team reacts. He waits to see if they are accepting of him. Mirra lifts her hand to wave him forward, and he backs up a bit.

“ It’s okay, he knows me.”

Yurry goes slowly ahead to Calico. Calico then sits down and looks up at Yurry approaching. He runs his hand along Calico’s face.

“ He’s a whisperer. ”

“ Damn, I can feel him loud and clear…I mean hear him. That’s what I said. You didn’t hear otherwise. ”

Mirra, slightly upset turns back and goes to Gammina and continues to pet her. Quentin smiles, and then turns back to Yurry and Calico.

“ Who are you, bear? You have seen a great deal to not be afraid of me. You are different than the other ones, it’s like you know who you are. You are a leader. ”

Yurry puts his head to Calico’s.

“ Your wife, she’s not moving. Here, I will walk with you to her. ”

Yurry stands up, and turns to Calico and uses his eyes to direct him, even though Calico knows Gammina is right there. He turns to Quentin to go to Mirra. Quentin stands up and heads over.

The two walk side by side.

“ My love, I am here. ”

“ Oh, Calico. I have always been here, I have always been on this planet just to see you, I- ”

“ And you’re beautiful my love, always beautiful. ”

Calico edges closer to her and lowers his nose against hers.

“ I should have never gone to the Forbidden Tower.”

“ You found the truth. We both needed to know. Now… hush on that, love. I am here with you. It’s all that matters. I would have done the same, I always wanted to. ”

“ Gammina. I love you. ”

“ I will wait…”

Gammina begins to lose conciousness.

“ Gammina, hold on. I am here, my love.”

Calico starts licking Gammina’s face, and she doesn’t move. Calico quivers in sadness.

He starts to moan, and then places his head on Gammina’s neck.

Rendemra closes his eyes, and rage fills his entire body. He gets up, and Lemur is completely caught off guard as he shakes his back and the metal leg hits her.

“ You killed my grubby, Calico! ”

Rendemra roars uncontrollably and begins to dash towards Calico. Calico braces onto Gammina’s body to protect her.

“ Don’t you touch my Gammina. You never wanted her! ”

Rendemra proceeds and tramples over Calico and claws into his back.

“ It’s Armistice’s body. We have to pull it out of that bear. It’s trying to tell us, at least that. ”

“ But it’s wild compared to the other bear.”

“ Okay, on two…”

“ Two! ”

Mirra and Yurry go behind Rendemra and try pulling. Rendemra shrieks and tries to turn around, but the pain is unreal, and Rendemra backs up off of Calico.

“ It’s working. We just need more force. Quentin, grab Armis’ arm, Yurry the right leg, and I’ll do his left arm. On Two.”

Yurry and Mirra:
“ Two! ”

The three pull back and Rendemra roars louder, but goes into the down position. Lemur suddenly runs up and grabs the metal leg to pull it.

“ Now, everyone, with that bear cub! ”

They pull the corpse out as a stream of blood pours out of Rendemra’s backside.

Armistice ejects and falls back like a mannequin.

Noticingly, Quentin quickly covers up Armistice’s torn appendage with his boxers.

Rendemra passes out from the shock and relief.

Quentin goes by the statuesque state of their leader, and checks Armistice’s pulse.

“ Really?!”

Quentin nods to confirm everyone’s assuming suspicion.

Yurry walks to both Mirra and Quentin, and wipes away some tears. He takes his own rifle and pushes it in the ground by Armistice.

Consecutively, as if passing by a casket, he walks away from saying goodbye towards the village. He goes up to the remains of a hut and hits its last standing wall, with his fist.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

{ The sound of thunder returns as the morning sun begins to rise above the clouds. Immediately, rainfall streams into the forest and the flames begin to die down. }

The forest is silent. Calico gets up, and Lemur rushes to his aid.

“ Lemur, thank you. I do not know if I can live anymore. ”

“ Breath, Calico, deep breathe. ”

Calico sits, and looks up to the sky and closes his eyes, and takes deep breaths with Lemur. Lemur sits next to Calico.

{ Abruptly, several helicopters head over the fallen Village. }

“ Is that ours?”

“ No, it looks like… star and anchor… shit, Republic of Korea Armed Forces…We have some explaining to do. Looks like the jet blew up everything. ”

“ No pay; shit. ”

“ Hey guys. ”

“ What, Quentin? ”

“ We’ve got some action.”

{ Gammina is trying to raise her body. She is holding on to whatever she can to make it to Calico. }

“ Hang in there, milagro! ”

Mirra and Yurry, both, help to raise Gammina.

“ (she roars) Knuck Pizark! ”

Calico’s tear-drenched eyes open.

Calico turns around and sees all three humans holding up Gammina. She’s panting with a radiant smile.

“ The sun can try to take me, but I won’t budge until our journeys have ended together. ”

“ You are everything.”

“ You are more.”

Calico turns towards her, and runs to her. Gammina attempts to lunge forward, but starts to rock to the side. Yurry, Quentin and Mirra move quickly to brace her.

The lovers’ heads interlock in an embrace.

{ Moments pass. }

“ I think we’re going to have to let go. My arms. ”

Mirra and Yurry are overcome by the moment, but Mirra also starts eying Yurry, too.

“ Yo, Mirra and Yurry. We have to go, they’ve landed.”

“ It’s been a long night.”

“ Ya, I wonder. It makes me think of my kids growing up so fast, and it was moments ago that-”

“ Kids!? I mean, oh, how beautiful. You must be great with kids… as a parent. ”

“ Smooth. ”

“ (pulls out a grin) Maybe I can introduce them after jail time.”

“ Do you like spicy food? ”

“ Guys? ”

“ You’ve never witnessed true spice until you’ve sat down with a Chinese family. ”

“ Whoa ho-ho, let me tell you something, this mujer mexicana can make your Eastside want to completely go West.”

“ Ooo, and I thought that bear was wild.”

Mirra growls.

Quentin slowly lets go, and Mirra and Yurry topple to the side as does Gammina.

“ Gammina.”

“ I just need rest, my love. ”

Yurry goes around to pull Mirra up from behind the panda. Mirra starts giggling.

“ This night, chico. ”

Major General Bartholomew S., and JungJang Bon-Hwa Gwon walk up towards the group. Bartholomew takes off his sunglasses despite the morning glare, and looks at the huts and points out to Bon-Hwa to the torched debris of the Palace Temple.

Yurry pulls out Mirra, and their jovial moment fades bleakly into the path of upcoming soldiers heading their way. Quentin walks forward ahead accepting his fate, and raises his hands.

One ROKA Soldier:
“ (pointing his rifle at Quentin) You a missionary? ”

“ What?-”

One ROKA Soldier slaps the rifle’s butt square across Quentin’s face. Another ROKA Soldier goes around and proceeds to handcuff Quentin.

The other three ROKA Soldiers go around, restrain and cuff Mirra and Yurry, and bring them to Bartholomew and Bon-Hwa.

Bartholomew walks by and stares at Mirra, Quentin and Yurry.

“ What happened to your clothes, soldier?”

“ I-”

“ Did not grant you permission to speak! What happened to this village, soldier? Any of you?! ”

They are all dead silent.

“ Right now, the Republic of Korea has considered that the United States military has committed an act of war. This location which your private military has desecrated is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This village was used for ore mining before and after the war.

Several years ago, it became a panda repopulation habitat for the rare Korean pandas. Many of which have been slaughtered on account of your group’s activities.

We have also been briefed that your group is a private military corp., hired by the Department of Defense, of the United States of America. Your actions have destroyed the confidential nature of your mission and have complicated the relationship of the United States and South Korea.

Because of this confirmation, you will be immediately airlifted to an FF-951 frigate off the Port of Pyeongtaek. You will be taken to Kyogamisaki Communications Center off the coast of Kyoto, Japan for interrogation.

Now, I will give you only this moment to talk, anyone else with you?

Regardless of your answer, there are more members of both the United States military, and the ROKA, headed to our position. Speak, soldiers. ”

“ The three members of my Team, Bravo, were mauled to death by tigers, sir.”

“ In my Team, Alpha, one death from a tiger, and then our unit leader just perished, sir. ”

Quentin tries to respond, but his nose begins to bleed. He starts wiping his mess with his shoulder.

Bon-Hwa, goes over to Quentin and forcefully tilts his head back. He takes out a handkerchief from his pocket, with one hand, to wipe off the blood that’s on Quentin’s face. He then throws the handkerchief on the ground and steps on it.

“ What was your team’s leader’s name. Just you, ma’m? ”

“ Yes, sir. Alpha Team Leader’s name was Armistice Silver, sir. ”

Batholomew’s eyes snap back to Mirra, and his stern posture transitions to a panicked state.

“ Please repeat your team leader’s name, soldier. ”

“ Yes, sir. Alpha Team Leader’s name was Armistice Silver, sir. ”

The name grips Bartholomew’s heart, and he slowly looks back at Mirra.

“ He recently, perished you said. How long ago, soldier? ”

“ Unclear, sir. ”

“ Is he close to our position? Speak, soldier. ”

“ Yes, sir. ”

“ Approximate distance, soldier.”

“ About 100 yards left of our position, sir. ”

Bartholomew speaks to Bon-Hwa, who orders his soldiers to shove all three with their rifles to jostle them forward.

“ Move soldiers. If you are incorrect, soldier, this is considered a criminal action against both the South Korean Government and the United States of America, understood? ”

“ Yes, sir. ”

{ They solemnly walk to Armistice’s body. Antons have already established lines into it. }

Bartholomew’s face becomes a deep red, and his eyes begin to water.

“ How did he die, soldier? ”

“ Snake venom, sir- ”

“ He died honorably, sir. ”

Bon-Hwa orders one of his soldiers to come forth. That ROKA soldier goes to Yurry and punches him in the jaw.

“ Speak when spoken to, and maybe you’ll learn something, if you don’t. ”

Bartholomew goes to Armistice’s body and gazes upon him. He covers his mouth and then tries to look at the three soldiers.

Mirra watches as this man plunges into grief.

“ Son…


the first…

I named you, my boy. ”

Bartholomew kneels down to Armistice, and Bon-Hwa goes over to Bartholomew.

“ Bart, I didn’t know. There were no records, your son must have wanted it that way. You only have a few minutes to grieve, we have to get everyone out before the next wave comes in. I am sorry for your loss. ”

“ Armistice. I… your father always loved you.

I was an alcoholic, I beat you and Alice, but I loved you…Leaving you both was the worst thing I have ever done…

You served like me.

Things didn’t go well when I tried to see you after you enlisted…I wanted to say I was…I am proud (tears begin pouring out, and a cry of pain comes out of his whole body).

I am proud of you, my boy.

I don’t know what life you led, but I hope you met someone. I hope they loved you back, like I… never did (more tears leak, and Bartholomew lifts Armistice’s head in his hand). My boy…my boy.

Semper Fi, always to the end… I love you… Say hello to Alice for me.”

Bartholomew leans down and kisses his son’s forehead.

“ Farewell, my son, with all of my love. Rest.”

Bartholomew closes his son’s eyes.

{ The sound of helicopters in the distance deafen the moment, as Bon-Hwa lifts Bartholomew’s shoulder up. He orders his men to move the three soldiers, with him.

They head into the ROKA helicopter and rise into a measure of time, a measure of distance, a measure at the weight of one last beginning which only exists in memory, but carries on like life itself. }


> Go to Part Twelve

Including Content from the original story published in the author’s work
The Trails To Attrition © 2007, Wasteland Press, Inc.
ISBN-13: 9781600471520

© 2024, Their Call, Calico: the Series
Wasteland Press

Adam Mullin (a.k.a. Good Day, Adam)



Good Day, Adam
Part Reads

Brought to you by a cup of green tea with gingko.