Their Call, Calico: The Series

Part Five

Good Day, Adam
Part Reads
19 min readMar 24, 2024


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Based on Original Published Work by Author

☯ Legend on reading Calico’s Life:

☴ Indicator for dialogue: “ ”
☶ Indicator for thought, and lyrics: Italic Font
☱ Indicator for action: Bold Font or wording with quotations.
☳ Poems and Songs [ are indicated ]
☷ Names : Bold Italics
☵ Setting set inside: Brackets: {SETTING}/{BOLD}

Photo by Billy Huynh on Unsplash

Rendemra enters the Hall of Fountains with two hundred brottos about him. They surround the fountain of Calico and Gammina, eying them in complete silence.

“ Aw, the fountains, the perfect place for pure seduction. Gammina has your virginity been spared off your body? ”

“ He is four, Rendemra! ”

“ Four times you say (laughs, as do the other brottos)? Looks like there won’t be any intercourse for either of you for awhile.

Calico, leave Gammina so she can clean up her act and head to the red gates to repaint it. ”

“ Go, Calico. ”

“ I am so sorry, Gammina. ”

“ To the temple, brottos. Female pure kind need not be forgiven because the word “whore” carries the feminine connotation and not one of the brottos. Onward! ”

Calico yields in a moment to take in Gammina one last time (as if he might not see her again), and shakes off the water.

He heads out with the other brottos up the mountain tunnel. They go back into the village and head to the center palace-like temple. Rendemra suddenly stops.

“ Fellow brottos, Calico and I shall be the only ones in the temple and, no one else shall enter, understood? (robotically, the brottos obey and lie down)

Calico only : enter. ”

As if a natural reflex, Calico turns to the large gathering of pure kind and the verdant mountains, and the sunset, and looks into Rendemra’s eyes.

Rendemra smiles, and puts his paw on Calico’s shoulder briefly, and moves him into {the center Pure Kind Palace Temple.

In the large blue bricked white stone and painted wood building, is a bridge built entirely of bamboo extending over a pond of red human-faced koi. Instead of winking like his previous experiencing with the scaled beings, this set blinks their eyes. Calico and Rendemra pass over the bridge into a gigantic amphitheater with rows of seating. On all of the walls, there are tiled mosaic displays of animals who have black and white exteriors like orcas, pandas, types of birds, penguins, Dalmatians, and probably hundreds of other animals with similar fur pigments.

There is even a gorilla with a white body, and a black coat of fur. Above the large atrium is a glass circle centered in a giant dome displaying, also in black and white tile, the planets of the universe.}

“ Do you know why you are here, Calico-? ”

I have to think fast with Rendemra, to prove I am one of them.

“ Origin. I think I need to know what a pure kind is. ”

“ Hmmmm, yes, but you are one. Calico, sit.

Let me tell you, brotto, the summation of the basic reign of which handles the pure kind definition. Then, I will ask you the same question again when time permits it. Now, time has started, follow our ancestry’s direction.

I begin again. ”


“ 78 Billion years or antwonians from today humans, or gorilla whores, were not in existence, nor was I for that matter. Shame…

This planet, of which they call “Earth”, was an uninhabited lifeless planet. The first planet of the great existences was what is known today by humans as Saturn.

As I begin to detail the events, imagine these planets as they come into a blank universe, like a new body of water on nothing but shapes — like this glass circle — which appear out like opening your eyes, Calico.

The beings of this planet, the Ore hetheons, say it with me ‘Orray Heth e eons’ were orange and almost mucus-like in their exterior skin. But like humans they walked in a bipedal formation; two legs, Calico, two legs. They had yellow blond mounds of fur, and interchangeable spots of tongue pink that would reappear in other spots of their bodies.

I know Calico you will have a multitude of questions by the end, but be patient. Essence is gained over time.

Hair never existed until Earth, and fur was primordial. On Neptune, the first existence habitat for many species, lived the Fattarnihiuemians, they were very toad-like and all carriers of the anatomical pocket hole, Calico mind you its real title we now know as, vagina.

If you lick it well — uh, you may be too young for such a conversation. How brash of me. Their eyes were quite gigantic with two yellow pupils in each occular sphere. Neptune also oddly was gaseous and pink like our tongues, and these Fattarns let the surface move their body upside down. Interaction was very temporary.

Then, on Pluto during the first existence, lived the seven Khhartins, pronounced Kuh huh artins. These seven were each four-meters high and had bodies resembling a caterpillar with changing color flesh. They had two mouths holding their eyes. They did not eat.

But Calico, it is said that their minds stored the most advanced creativity and knowledge about the truth of our existence, and that is…make note of this… if one was able to drink their blood, and their liquids, they would achieve all answers until their own existence depleted.

On Venus, during the first existence lived the Charcoaleans; their name is still common today in their ashes. These beings were a combination of bone, hard tough bronze skin and faces made of ruby etched like the nostril of an elephant. Their lifespan was short as they existed to steal each others interior flame, and the other, whose flame was robbed, would disperse into ashes.

In Uranus existed the Slavaaas, spoken precisely as Slaev ae ae ahs, who were of hydrogen and oxygen mold, or I mean, a very gelatinous and sticky substance. Like the Charcoleans they lived to mingle, and take some jelly liquid from one another- but their lifespan was endless.

So, there were five planets of existence in all, yet a large distance away was the planet, which humans refer to as Jupiter. The elephants call this planet, Maffa. We call it by the original pure kind that was colorless except for its component, Chlorestigon.

Jupiter would then be called the Chloresto.

Every few antiwonians, Chloresto would expand because, during the rotation, like the care birds who manage for their eggs, Chlorestigon was growing and expanding with the immense heat of rotation. I will teach you more about the sciences, and yes, I will tell you what sciences are soon, Calico.

Calico is in a bit of a daze.

One day, during rotation, Chloresto was fully ready and abruptly halted its rotation. As all those who give birth, Chloresto was a she.

Her planetary womb entry opened, and she with great stress pushed out Chlorestigon, which appeared in life’s proximity as what humans call, the Sun. In addition Chloresto bled and bled out comets and meteors for Chlorestigon to digest.

Chlorestigon grew to its complete size as it is today, in three days not even an antiwonian. Behold its radiance.

Rendemra points to the sunlit tiled floor, and Calico tries to figure out if it’s a particular tile, or that he missed the object he was supposed to focus on.

Chlorestigon gave the six planets something that has patterned our life on all levels: Light. Other large female planets also began to give birth to their own chlorestigons, and the galaxy received illumination.

This revolution, and the Chloresto Creation brought on to the existents fear beyond words, and the sensation of heat from a non-living source transferred to them, but also a completely living one by those who know its true purpose.

Yes, the light before us is living, as we are, Calico.

Chloresto still had more grubbies on the way as more blood (the meteors and comets) raced out into space. These were the trinity planets, Mars, Mercury and our current planet, Earth, who were the younger brothers of Chlorestigon. Chlorestigon like her mother, her maffa, is believed to be feminine as well.

Chlorestigon loved her brother planets well. She even decided to play a game one day and covered them with Chloresto’s meteors, of which were covered in flames. Each brother reacted differently, and rotated away from Chlorestigon.

Her game pushed her family members away, and she was then: all alone.

Chlorestigon’s brother planets migrated closer to the first existent planets.

Turns were taken as the second existence of which could be labeled as curiosity, started. The Khhartins of Pluto watched the departure of the brothers, and let go of the planet and swam through space to one of the brother planets, and all the living existents in the next hundred antiwonians began to find ways of entering different planets and interacting.

To illumine essence was the first trail of trails; for out of darkness, comes light and the life that follows its rays.

And what did the brothers look like? They had perfect atmosphere and purely perfect air. They all had oceans and plants… like the bamboo which we eat, and that provides us shade.

Their water was clear and refracted the black speckled sky. The beings of these brother planets were called the Pure Kind.

The pure kind had the exterior pigment colors black and white, the balance of colors. Today, there are only few of us from the orcas, to cows, to trottulls (horses), to pandas, penguins and even some tigers, and other kinds as well.

Photo by Iewek Gnos on Unsplash

This grand migration of beings going to and fro to other planets brought imbalance. This restructuring led to even more fear, than jealousy; and eventually they began to depart from understanding their original existences. The remaining native Ore hetheons became more hungry as there were not enough existents on Saturn, the Charcoleans looked for flames in the wrong places and started digesting other species, which resulted in living longer than their bodies were created to. Two Khartins were even depleted from their formatted selves and were devoured by several species during their galactic transit.

While the chaos was brewing, Chloresto (Jupiter), was still healing and missing its Chlorestigon and sons of the trinity. The planet is still healing today. This is noted as the gorilla whore have tubed glasses that let you examine the red blood mark of Chloresto.

What appeared was the first signs of sexual intercourse; Calico, intercourse is, well you should know this but let me review to you as a male pure kind brotto to another brotto, is the most wrongful right: if right is wrong for its own existence.

To have intercourse a being must take a part of them and fit it into another part of another being. When heated contact breaks out our interior miniature antons which carry your same existence. Just like the birth of Chlorestigon, so too do all have internal meteors of our illuminated essence. We often consider our insides to be a dark as space itself, but there is Chlorestigon in ourselves.

Our essence, will then speed into that other being like the journey between brothers and planets. That other being, usually a female kind would reproduce these antons into one or more versions of you- the giver of the antons.

Calico is confused and shocked, but is just focused on hearing the story. He wants to prove he is a pure kind. Rendemra nods and continues.

Because of this interaction, all lifespans changed on all the planets as they could all die as they forgot how to function in their original states in time — yet through this process, they could be reproduced. But their reproduction altered their form. Replication ceased to exist, and separations, divisions, and different considerations to view life started rooting into this new fertile moment in orbit.

The lands of the brothers was named yang and the oceans of the brothers were named yin to explain that separations were necessary. Separations balance the imbalance of the beings to thus co-exist together. If we try to become the same all balance is lost.

We are not of a single boulder, but different hills and mountains separated by journeys.

Through conflict and intercourse disease, and destruction, the five planetary populations were dying, and well, rather quickly.

Then the last Khhartin of Pluto, named Syxttaut explained while living on Saturn to many of the last mixed existents, that with the dying planets and populations, the only path to continuum, and a future for the existents, would be to have intercourse with the pure kind and live for more than one day on the surface of Brother Planet A: what is known as Mercury by the humans.

No being of the five planets, up to that point, had been to the brother planets or live to tell of it as the heat felt from that long of a journey, from Chlorestigon, mortally injured most of the existents on arrival. However the existents were already dying at an accelerating rate. Suddenly, did Syxttaut succumb to the same fate.


And so onto Mercury, the breeds came. Those who could not make it across the boiling yet often chilled nature of space, died and rolled forever away. It was like a massive movement of different colored kites twirling and flaming and gliding smoothly towards the brother planets. Then, the beings entered the atmosphere-as that is what the brother planets have encasing us here on them. This protects us from being boiled to death in a slow excruciating way.

The Slavaas could not complete the journey to inner-Mercury, and their dying fragments became part of the atmosphere. But, other Slavaas drifted in an unconcious state to the other brother planets to escape their Mercurian end. And like their fellow beings, their disperse did not pay off, as they, too, became part of the Earth’s and Mars’ atmosphere as well.

As these brother planets were in Chloresto’s (Jupiter’s) womb with Chlorestigon, they also had an intense heat attraction. That is what pulls us down, and keeps us from ascending.

But, because of their desperate situation, the Mixture Existences of the five planet breeds attacked the pure kind in efforts to rape them, and plant their antons in them whatever way they could. One black and white moose drowned in antons as several Ore theons face fed them into the moose’s mouth until it overfilled and bursted uncontrollably.

With the presence of the Charcoaleans, and the heat attraction balanced with the atmosphere, weather began and seasons commenced. Through a long range of scientific explanations all of the brother planets adapted this characteristic, as they are of a trinity. They are the triplet planets.

Despite all the rape attempts from the dying Mixture Existences, the results did not live long or were a stable reproduction, so to speak.

What followed the chaos and failed attempts, was the perfect imperfect reproduction with a pure kind gorilla and a mixed Fattarnihiuemian.

The result was a filthy ash skinned gushy gorilla figure without fur, having bright orange paws and the bullfrog Fattarnihiuemian eyes. This bizarre being was a female.

Some of us, pure kinds, I am speaking of- of course, still have Chloresto’s gaping opening in our pupils. Whale pure kinds, I know of have this. The rest, well: frogs and sex.

The other male pure kind gorillas in response became more attracted to this odd being than the normal female pure kind gorillas, and would have as much intercourse as they could with it. Some of the male gorillas who had intercourse with the being would also pass some of the mutated germs , and blood, to other regular pure kind female gorillas during intercourse and thus breeds began mixing.

Yes, Calico, this is where the phrase, Gorilla Whore, came from. The pure kind that turned on its own kind for the pleasing of its lust to that of the mixtured.

The last of the Charcolean, to escape the odd weather and their increasing death rates found an empty cave filled with pure white boiling foam, like the milk nestled to a grubby in the core of Mercury. It was warmer than the surface of Mercury, and this mixed existent decided to dive in; as did the rest of its population. The pure white milk liquid immediately transformed into a dark volcanic tar drenched with glowing flames, this became known as kleiahuakokoa or, to humans : lava.

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

The lava and the heat exchange brought a Mercuryquake, and the land on Mercury split into continents.

To rush the history, after generations and thousands upon thousands of antiwonians the resources of Mercury were depleted. Yet, unlike the previous situation with the original five planets, pure kind got along with the newly mixed renditions of theirselves.

As the planet was dying, they decided that it be best if they could transport in their magnetic pole pods to Mars during the shutting down of Mercury as its existence will be months if not years of study for you, Calico. So you know, grubby, this would involve language, history, habitats, behavior, and what humans like to call technology or taking a half-Khhartin approach to using up resources to the advantage of a population.

Like the migration of the Mixed Existences, most of the Mercurians did not make it, as they had never tested the pods prior, and many burned up as they entered Mars’ atmosphere. Oh, and these non-pure kind were called Therochordis, There-roh-kor-des and looked more like humans except well (Rendemra bursts into a child-like giggle) purple fur with smaller Fattarnihiuemian eyes, and nostrils that stuck out longer, and oh, the rougher biters.

Unlike the pure kind of Mercury, the Therochordis were very power hungry. They were always starving for resources and would do whatever it took to snatch anything of energy, or of value.


The inhabitants of Mars, the Juhikyop, pronounced Yu-weekee-op, met the Therochordis with much wonder. Unlike Mercury there were many Pure Kinds living on Mars untouched from the mixed existences, and most of the Juhikyop were solely evolved from Pure Kind, and not of the five original planets.

The climate of the martian landscape was drastically different compared to what was and what became the flaming canyons and volcanoes of Mercury. There were waterfalls pouring and zig-zagging from mountains, and intertwined snow areas like there are bushes in a bamboo forest. The pure kind of Mars wore jewels and golden ornaments about their body. The Juhikyop were as close as a kind could to identify as a pure kind human without the gorilla whore process involved.

The oceans were beyond beautiful as they were different colors from turquoise to radiant fuchsia, and even violet, reflecting the shimmering of Chlorestigon boldly.

The only surviving Therochordis were the wealthiest as the poorer by Therochordis’s standards, should be left to die without the life and living functions of the planet they destroyed. Yes, the pure kinds were true to their own kind, and true to the mixed kind, but it wasthe mixed kind fought amongst itself.

Lacking a connection to their original existence before the Migration, it was always an ongoing conflict to see who could claim the original purpose of who or what they are. That definition gave them reason enough to be hostile to those who could not recognize it like they believed they rightfully could.

The Therochordis, who survived were amazed at the technology, and of course at the resources the Martian population had to offer. The architecture was stunning as well, and the Pure Kind had massive statues that they built with the Juhikyops to erect made of crystals. In efforts of worship, the Marsian (not Martian) pure kinds dug into a mountain and made it shaped into a face like that of the Juhikyop kind.

The Juhikyop had a ritualistic way of doing everything so anything that happened with the pure kind happened in balance, and in an equilibrium.

The Therochordis were bored of all these ritualistic behaviors and mannerisms, or what they considered weak ways of acting forth from their days on Mercury. They quickly grew aggressive within the first week of being toured around. They wanted control, to eliminate their planetary welcoming committee.

When the Juhikyop led the Therochordis to their leader in Mars’ capital barshwa (country) of L’ujulu (Lu haw aw), the Therochordis took out their acidic jelly-like blades and murdered the calm Juhikyop leader Silentose before he even spoke, which is where the phrase silent comes from.

Thousands of the last Therochordis pillaged the Juhikyop and enslaved them. They made sure to destroy their temples, what they held dear to them, and forced them to see and view things the way they only saw them.

The pure kind humans were raped and many of the male pure kind humans were butchered. The Juhikyop had yellow blood, and their remains flooded their polished crystal roads and homes: a genocide of 12 billion.

According to the historic texts not one pure kind human attempted to attack, were killed on the spot. Even with all of their loss, they refused to hate, harm or scorn their new guests, even while they were forced unto their death beds one by one.

The declining population of pure kind Juhikyop women, intermixed with the Therochordis delivered mixed grubbies or what humans call, nowadays, children. Some were more influenced in acting towards their pure kind human relatives with compassion, while others were forged into the ways of the Therochordis. For uh- “nature animals” the same as for the new kinds- either they leaned towards their pure kinds of ancestry, or they were drawn to the mannerisms of the Therochordis.

After destroying entire cities and their crafts and structures, the Therochordis and those who supported their ancestors started a ten thousand year war among themselves — that led on to too many a battle of battles that one should experience in a lifespan.

Mars’ seas transformed in vicious tarred lava. The lava killed pure kind populations in the seas. The bones and dried remains of the tarred seas were used by the Therochordis for weaponry to kill their own kind and the martian pure kind.

In the last war along the Tiocriopriopic Coast edging into the Giuspppari (the Great Sea of Mars pronounced Gus whu whu whu ree), there was the last pure kind of both worlds (Mercury and Mars) this was the pure kind winged lion, the Chimera.

Oh, they had pure kinds like you wouldn’t believe on Mars; it was simply spectacular before the Therochoris. However it was the texts of both the mixed Therochordis and the existing Therochordis that survived-with some original texts from the early Juhikyop years that we have kept in our mental thoughts today as I speak.

The las pure kind Chimera was impaled by a mixed rendition of a tarred seas gorilla carrying a blade of the Therochordis as the kinds were constantly at combat with one another.

And so during the last battle the Therochoris sent a massive hummm, they call it ‘an explosion’, into the tarred waters and the atmosphere began to disappear.

Speeding one with what they could, the Therochordis bundled themselves into their floating orb homes with many of the kinds, all in different stages of decay — though many did die in this planetary evacuation. The explosions of Mars, propelled the pods towards the last living brother : Earth.

Mars went into decay, and the oceans and plants disintegrated from existence.

But the gorilla whore have hid these notes of understanding from themselves, and forgot about their ancestors’ existence entirely. The history of Mixed Existences always seems to reoccur.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash


Earth: survival’s last chance.

The orb homes ignited into flame when passing through the Earth’s atmosphere from the gasses and materials they were constructed of.

As Earth has been nearly untouched for the longest between the three brothers, the pure kind had evolved into-uh-into-uh-aw yes the gorilla whore have called them dinosaurs along with pure kind pandas, orcas, koalas, but no pure kind humans like the Juhikyop.

On entry by the Therochoris pods, many of the dinosaurs died as the pressure changed on Earth and the weight and cardiac system of the dinosaurs could not take it; many species fell on the spot. Others drowned themselves in lakes and wherever they could enter a large body of water to cool down in.

And so from there did the Therochordis who survived decide to start anew in this new world. Those who disagreed had to still remain on the planet, as there were no other planets to return to.

Through a very similar processes, Earth taken its toll like its brother planets, and is headed towards a large internal conflict soon.

We can just hope the world doesn’t end anytime soon.

So to keep the pure kind in existence as we are the original breed, we must stay together away from rigid attempts of humanity, the gorilla whores.

Calico, you’ve been beyond these walls and have witnessed the deaths they cause and the lack of their common sense- even the regular kinds seem to sympathize with the gorilla whores. But not us; we are stronger — remember that. ”

“ Yes that is true. But why hide, Rendemra? ”

Why did I say that? What he said gave good reason enough.

“ Hiding, Calico…You see, it’s their call, Calico — whether we die in their world or not.

Here, right here, in secrecy, living in secret, Calico, will protect us while the humans will go and blow themselves up on their own frontline; we can and must stay here. Understood? It is for the good of our kind: our existence. ”

“ Yes, uh, brotto. ”

“ Handling our culture well, outsider… oh, or should I say, pure kind, Calico.

Brotto Calico.

Welcome. ”

“ Thank you Rendemra, for once I feel at home. ”

“ Aw, and it’s a home well-deserved. Now, Gammina shall take you to your hut that the other female pure kind were to have set up already, and there are bamboo stems and persimmons in there as well.

We share the Hall of Fountains for drink.

Tonight, I will be performing my nightime ritual to represent the patience of the pure kind in such dark times near the grand labyrinth outside the secondary gate-oh you saw it. I can’t be disturbed, so, if you need help, please ask Gammina, or any other pure kind.”

“ Thank you, Rendemra. ”

“ Sleep at your best tonight, as we will begin training and the advancement of your pure kind understanding, in the new rays of Chlorestigon. ”

Finely, I feel safe.

Calico looks up at the tiled images of the pure kind, before exiting the atrium in awe. He follows Rendemra out onto the bamboo bridge into the peaceful night village, where Gammina waits to take him to his quarters. Calico’s eyes perk up.


> Go to Part Six

Including Content from the original story published in the author’s work
The Trails To Attrition © 2007, Wasteland Press, Inc.
ISBN-13: 9781600471520

© 2024, Their Call, Calico: the Series
Wasteland Press

Adam Mullin (a.k.a. Good Day, Adam)



Good Day, Adam
Part Reads

Brought to you by a cup of green tea with gingko.