11 More Things I’m Thankful For 💛

Raena McQueen
Published in
2 min readDec 1, 2021
Throwback! c.2016 @raenaofficial

So another great thing that happened over the Thanksgiving holiday was reconnecting with the other side of my family.

(My family history is kind of twisted, but I promise to explain in a series when I’m ready.)

I love these relatives in particular, but because of “mutuals,” it gets hard to face them during the holidays. One day, I’ll explain to them what’s up with me, but until then, I think I want to focus on the actual relationships I have with them.

In reflecting on these relationships, it made me think of other relationships I’ve had outside of the family.

Long story short, I arrived at a series of poems in my mind, and there is one that I always pushed back in my memory because it was the most painful to recollect.

But this time was different.

I decided to say the poem out loud, and you know what? It wasn’t so bad afterall. And even better, I was able to separate the poem from the people it reminded me of, and I was able to apply new meaning to it.

I won’t share the actual poem (since it’s “sacred” and all), but I will share just how much it reminded me to be thankful for the intangible:

  1. The Joy of Originality. — There’s nobody on this Earth quite like me. 😉
  2. The Improvement of Talent. — I get better everyday. 💪🏾
  3. The Virtue of Patience. — I enjoy taking my time, and I let the Universe do the same. 🌍
  4. The Wisdom of Economy. — I am nothing without the generosity of others, and my ability and willingness to reciprocate. 🤝
  5. The Obligation of Duty. — My commitment to the world at-large never wavers. 🔐
  6. The Power of Kindness. — Despite all I’ve been through, I still have a warm heart of gold. I know my deeds make other people’s day. 💛
  7. The Worth of Character. — Integrity is everything, and I’ll always be a woman of my word. 🗣
  8. The Dignity of Simplicity. — I appreciate how I don’t have to say or do too much to get my point across. 💅🏾
  9. The Pleasure of Working.— Who hustles harder than me? 🤔
  10. The Success of Perseverance. — I reap everything I sow because I tend to my garden every day. 🌻
  11. The Value of Time. — Even the world’s richest man couldn’t afford mine. ⏳

That’s all. 💋

