11 Things I Absolutely Love About Myself

Raena McQueen
Published in
4 min readOct 31, 2021

Hey, lovelies!

I’ve been having a blast at my PARTYOFONE. ❤️

I hope you are, too!

I just wanted to share a list with you all about the things I love about myself. I learned that in my pursuit of self-love, I have to be less critical and more praising of my attributes.

Yes, even though I love myself dearly, there are moments when past traumas get the best of me and the self-deprecation begins. It takes me to a dark place, and I start to question how great I really am. It’s like, I know the type of woman I am, but when I’m triggered, it affects my self-esteem and I start ‘believing’ the worst of myself.

This is not how I want to treat myself.

This is not how I want to honor myself.

This is not how I want to remember myself.

I affirm:

I deserve to be nutured. I deserve to be celebrated. I deserve to be glorified. I deserve approval. I deserve grace. I deserve good things.

And you do, too.

Sometimes, it can be hard to remember this, but you know what can help? Writing it down. Or if you’re not a fan of writing, you can paint, draw, scribble — use whatever medium necessary to express love for yourself.

I choose to write lists, and I have several. I’m going to share one with you today.

Here are 11 things that I absolutely love about myself:

  1. My ambition. When I set a goal, I don’t stop until I reach it. Sure, my goals change over time, but I appreciate my tunnel vision — being able to see where I want to be and finding a way to get there.
  2. My heart. It’s a big one. And it’s full. It’s pure gold. I’m not perfect, but my intentions are always pure. I love how much I care and look out for others.
  3. My tactlessness. It’s just funny because people tell me I should work on this, but I don’t want to. I love being as blunt as I am because frankly, we all deserve the cold, hard truth. Even if it hurts. And I’ll tell you exactly what I see, feel, hear, and know. Honesty is the best policy, and the truth will set you free.
  4. My back rolls. They look good on me. I love my whole body, but when I look at my back rolls, they don’t look like anyone else’s. They belong to me; they’re an exclusive. They’re mine.
  5. My ear for music. I love all kinds of music, and I love making music. Singing, playing the piano, and even making up beats in my head. It’s all soothing and it allows me to connect with the world. Music is the greatest expression of life.
  6. My writing. It’s an emotional experience for me. I love how I can pour my heart out, even from fictional perspectives, and tell the stories of humanity. Everyone has a story. Everyone has a voice. I’m thankful that God gifted me with the ability to communicate that.
  7. My word. And it’s bond. If I say I’m going to do something, I’ll do it. The good, the bad, and the ugly. There’s not a soul alive that can refute this. I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. I may not always be there when you call, but I’m always on time. I love how others can count on me, and I can count on myself.
  8. My strength. I’ve been through some very horrible things. Some things, I may just take to my grave. But somehow, I’m still here. Resilient. Persevering. Unconquerable. Knock me down nine times, I’ll get up ten.
  9. My eye for art. Aesthetics are my forté. I see beauty in everything. Colors, shapes, textures — I love how I can put it all together and see what God sees. I’m grateful that He allows me to see the world through His eyes.
  10. My faith. It takes courage to believe in what’s yet to come. To believe the best of others. To believe in the greater good. My trust issues can be overwhelming, but it’s that little “mustard seed” in my heart that shows me I’m doing the right thing.
  11. My love. The way I love is unmatched. I’m the most generous, compassionate, empathetic, and affection person I know. My love is unconditional; I accept people for who they are and would never try to change them. I encourage them to be who they are.

What do you love about yourself? Feel free to share in the comments. 💋

