5 Things I’m Thankful For

Raena McQueen
Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2021

Thanksgiving is always awesome. ❤️

I originally planned to spend the holiday alone, catch up on some much-needed sleep, and go to the movies — BUT, after texting my aunt and uncle, I decided to go to my Grandma’s house. One of my uncles came up from out of town and it felt like it had been years since I’ve seen him. (He hadn’t been back in town since COVID hit.) So I definitely needed to catch up with him, and I’m glad I did.

I spent a lot of time with my cousins and got to catch up with them, and the laughs were endless. I really think I needed that. (And I never realized I was so funny! 😂 I mean, I’ve always been a goofball, but this time was waaaaaayyy different.)

Anywho, I just wanted to share the top five things I’m thankful for this year. This may be an annual blogging tradition for me now. It’s always good to remind yourself of life’s small pleasures:

  1. My health — I can see, hear, smell, taste and touch everything just fine. Of course I’m getting older and my body isn’t built like it used to be, but I’m grateful that all of it still works. God has blessed me abundantly in this regard, and I’m grateful that He also provides the tools for me to take care of myself.
  2. The weather — It’s been exceptionally sunny lately! And I love it. I love the sun. It makes me happy and it’s an excellent source of Vitamin D.
  3. My family — They keep me grounded. They make me feel loved and remind me that I have a place in this world. They appreciate me — all of me. And I don’t have to change anything or be something I’m not to “fit in.”
  4. My compassion — I’ve been through some f**ked up sh** in life, but you know what? My compassion is what allows me to not hold grudges and forgive people. That doesn’t mean I won’t cut them off or establish some boundaries, but it’s easy for me to let go. Some things take more time to let go than others, but that’s where self-compassion comes in. I’m human, and I know there’s beauty in my struggles. I’m exactly where I need to be.
  5. My peace — This kind of ties in to #4. I think I’ve finally reached a point where nothing can rock me. Not a hater, not a critic, not even the devil himself. I still feel, but ultimately, I’m at perfect peace.

So that’s my list. What were you thankful for this year?

