The “F” Bomb

Raena McQueen
Published in
2 min readFeb 11, 2022

So y’all remember the CATFISH story?

Let me tell you about the time one of them lied on me and caused me to get lunch detention (a.k.a. “silent lunch”).

It was a regular Spring-semester day.

Our school was one of many that used trailers for its students, so half of 8th grade was stationed outside. I can’t remember why, but our teacher told us we were going ‘somewhere’ and proceeded to take us out of the classroom.

I was standing behind a few of my classmates with my “best friends” trailing behind me. I wasn’t really tryna talk to them that day because I really didn’t feel like being at school in the first place, and I couldn’t stay home, either. So as they chattered behind me, I ignored them and did what I always do when I’m not feeling social: get lost in my thoughts.

(For context: this was around the time my parents were getting ready to divorce and my father was being a complete lunatic about it.)

We were all walking in a line toward the main building when all of a sudden, a bee flew at us! My “best friend” — the one who was on the phone in the CATFISH story — said the F word really loud, and our teacher turned around and asked, “Who said that?”


I was appalled. How dare she lie on me like that? I instantly denied it, but my teacher wasn’t hearing it. Meanwhile, my “best friend” was laughing. The teacher gave me silent lunch, and I was trying to plead my case, but he literally just took my “best friend’s” word for it and did not care about what I had to say.

What’s worse is that other “friends” were around — including the ringleader of the CATFISH plot — and they didn’t defend me, either. They all knew the truth and said nothing.

Later that day, I sat in the silent lunch section eating my lunch on my lap. I was utterly humiliated. I was being punished for something I didn’t do. I glanced over at my “best friend” and we happened to look at each other at the same time. She laughed. I just couldn’t believe she thought betraying me was funny.

And this was the second time she did some fuck shit to me. With no remorse, no apology.

Some friend.

But what could I expect from someone who actively played a role in catfishing me?


Y’all really can’t blame me for how I feel about people.

It’s always been me vs. the world. ❤️


