What it feels like to have the whole VIP section to yourself…

Raena McQueen
Published in
1 min readOct 11, 2020

I don’t know how y’all party, but the function is always better when you have a section.

Yes, I’m talkin’ VIP.

When I first moved back home, I was in sections by myself — and I loved it. (Most times, they were given to me, but still.) Now-a-days, I’m always in someone’s else’s section or the promoters section, and it’s not bad, but I miss having all that space to myself.

I could actually breathe. And lounge.

I could dance around as much as I wanted and not bump into anybody.

I could kick my feet up.

I never finished a bottle, but at least I didn’t have to share.

And since it was my section, I could reject everybody who asked to join me. (I think I only allowed people in once, and I deeply regretted it.)

I miss those days.

And honestly, I just might start doing it again. If I do, I’ll post about it on YouTube.

Stay tuned…

