Introducing Identity Timeline



We need to be informed before we can take action. Teams should be given visibility into identity verification activity happening in their services or platforms to protect against fraud. We are happy to announce a new feature, an identity timeline, which displays events associated with a unique identity in the Passbase dashboard. Teams can now have one place to check events such as identity creation, authentication attempts, and meta data associated with each event to understand the context of user behaviour and assess situations.

All Passbase clients can see the identity timeline in their Passbase dashboard.

Provide teams with a clean overview user activity

Teams with access to Passbase’s dashboard have an intuitive way to see a user’s history and understand key events. Tracking identity verifications and authentications as Events in one consolidated place is useful for ongoing monitoring as well as customer support.

Each identity comes with a timeline, meaning that users who perform their first identity verification with Passbase will create a root identity and record future events associated with this identity. A Passbase client can now use the dashboard to see the following information:

  • when a root identity was created
  • when and by whom was the identity verification accepted or rejected
  • when an identity is pending or needs review
  • successful authentication events
  • when an authentication attempts fails due to face matching or liveness detection

This information provides non-technical team members with the context to handle various scenarios, such as when an authentication has failed multiple times and may need customer support. It also provides key information for team members following up on cases in the future.

Give teams context to handle cases and prevent fraud

Passbase’s identity timeline also provides key meta details for teams to understand context and assign cases. Event details such as geolocation or failed liveness detection will help companies decide whether it is case for fraud prevention or customer service teams.

Each event recorded has meta data to help teams detect potential fraud. Teams can click into an event to see details on Completion Time, Checks, SDK, Device, Location, IP Address, Geo Location, Browser to note suspicious behaviour.

Get started

Identity timelines are visible on all Passbase client dashboards. It is most powerful when used in conjunction with our Biometric Authentication feature, which allows users who have performed identity verification with Passbase before to take a selfie to login or perform transactions.

We will be introducing more user-friendly and human ways of understanding digital identity to empower teams to protect their companies and end users. Strengthening security and online trust requires equipping everyone — from developers to compliance teams — with the best tools possible to verify individuals and secure online identities.

As we work to build identity verification to serve online businesses and organizations, input from the Passbase community helps us prioritize features with impact. You can always make a feature request.

If you have any questions, get in touch!

Originally published at



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Secure identity verification and AML and KYC compliance solutions for iOS, Web and Android that helps your conversion rates. #IdentityVerification #KYC #AML