Why We Changed Our Name

Passel Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2018


noun, informal

[pas-uh l]

  1. A Great Many Things

When we launched the Flter campaign last year, we had no idea where this project would take us. We kept our company name the same as our product because we were proud of what we were about to release. Although we had many ideas for future projects that we hoped we’d get the opportunity to one day do, we thought keeping our name the same as our initial product would work best for us.

After the success of Flter and the launch of our standalone VPN service, we began planning for our next few big projects, like the Beam campaign that will be launching later this month. It became clear to us the name “Flter” didn’t really cover the vast amount of ideas and goals we have for our company.

Flter was named for the way it filters you’re online experience, free from ads and unnecessary tracking, and while privacy is the foundation of everything we do, it’s just the starting point. We dream of a future where innovation happens with privacy and security in mind, not the other way around. We’d like to create great things that have privacy and security built in, not just build things to keep you safe while the “next big thing” is taking advantage of your data. It’s about doing things right the first time.

Our core values will always remain same, but our company is moving into the future, we are here to create a great many things, and we cant wait to share them with you.




Written by Passel

Flter is an internet router that provides VPN protection, malicious ad blocking, and Tor anonymity on all the devices in your home. https://flter.me/