Tired of working hard? Does writing feel like a chore?

Why the Easiest Way to Write Blog Posts May Be the Best Way

Writing should be fun. Yes, also when it comes to writing blog posts

Britt Malka 🦊
Passion & Profit
Published in
4 min readJan 16, 2024


Photo by RepentAnd SeekChristJesus on Unsplash

Blogging and making money…

That’s not just a dream. It’s a possibility. On one condition, though.

You need to be consistent.

Oh, wait… Did I just hear you run out of here? Don’t worry. Being consistent means that you’ll enjoy writing your blog posts.

Not dread it.

You just need to follow the next five tips. Then you’ll wake up earlier in the morning, eager to start writing. And you’ll make money blogging a lot sooner than expected.

Use Your Intuition

I don’t ask you to go all woo-woo here.

But we all have intuition. Is there a rational explanation? Probably.

My guess is that what we call intuition could be signals we pick up.

Signals our subconscious get. But our conscious mind doesn’t. Whether or not intuition is super-natural, you can use it for your blog.


Even if you do keyword research, let your intuition help you picking your next topic. But more than that… You can use intuition when you’re writing.

You know how when there’s something you don’t know, you stop writing and research?

Next time, try using your intuition and let it come up with the answer. 9 times out of 10 (yes, I made statistic up), your intuition will know the answer.

Yes, you need to check by doing research after you’ve written the article.

This little tip will make writing more fun. You can stay in the flow while writing. And you’ll feel satisfied with yourself when you see how spot on your intuition was.

You know more than you think.

Write about Your Passion

This is too obvious.

I know. I want to say it, anyway. When you write about something you love, writing gets much easier.

And better.

Why better? Because your passion shines through. If you’re bored when writing a blog post, your reader will be bored reading it.

If you love writing, and you’re passionate about the topic, guess what?

Your reader will feel that passion and he’ll love your blog post. Hopefully, that means a returning reader. And even better, if he loved your post so much he decided to sign up for your email list as well.

When he does, you can contact him every time you have a new post ready.

Get Inspiration From Others

No man is an island.

You’re not alone here. You’ll find plenty of other bloggers who write about your topic as well. Get inspiration from them.

Don’t steal or copy.

But read what they write. Leave comments. And come up with your own tweaks and combinations of blog posts you’ve read.

Go watch YouTube with a clear conscience.

You’ll find lots of inspiration there. And you can even tag the writer or YouTube creator for extra bonus. Most people love it when they inspire others.

Write about Odd Number Tips or Issues

Does this work so well because of the Zeigarnik effect?

Since we were tiny copies of human beings, we’ve known how to count numbers. 1–2–3–4–5–6… So if you write a series of tips, mistakes or issues…

And you have an odd number of them…

You break the activity. Here the reader was, counting from one to ten, and you stop at seven tips? I don’t know if this is the cause.

I do know that 3, 5, 7 are odd numbers that do well in a headline and in a number of bullets and sub-headers.

How many sub-points did I have in this article?

Start with the Structure and Follow the Plan

Back in college, I was lazy.

I loved writing. But I hated we were forced to do outlines. What’s the point?

So I wrote my essay as a draft.

Then I found something in common for each section I’d written. And I turned that into my outline. Easy-peasy, problem solved.

Until the night when I packed my bag for the next day and…

OH HORROR! How could I have forgotten? An essay, due the following day?

There wasn’t time for writing a draft and then writing with a pen.

This deadline, so close, gave me no choice. I had to start with the outline and write it all with a pen. No draft.

To my immense surprise, this was much faster.

And my grade was much better. Since then, I’ve always started with an outline. Most of the time, I follow the plan, too.

If my outline is for a book and not a blog post, it happens that I skip a point or change it.

When I write a blog post or Medium article, I follow my outline. After all, I’d structured the blog post like this for a reason. With such a short text, there’s no need to change it.

Could You Do This — Today?

Why not?

And if you don’t have a blog yet, why not start with an atomic one?

Get my “1-Hour Money-Maker” for free here today by using the coupon code MEDIUM (note: clicking this link will take you offsite outside of Medium).



Britt Malka 🦊
Passion & Profit

I quit my day-job in 1995. Now I'm helping others use writing to gain financial freedom.