Sankalpa or Ichinen: Aligning with our Highest Purpose

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4 min readApr 10, 2023

Despite possessing the ability to tap into their intuition, access higher states of consciousness, and harness wisdom, human beings often find themselves trapped in the daily rut of life, frantically scurrying around without direction, like a group of headless chickens. The power to reach our full potential lies within us, waiting to be unlocked through our own willpower and determination.

Our forefathers embraced daily practices such as meditation, reflection, and storytelling within communities to unearth their deepest aspirations, harmonize their actions with them, and live a life in accordance with their highest potential. However, in the present era, with the incessant bombardment of information and stimuli from various sources, it has become increasingly difficult to carve out time and space for introspection and self-reflection. This disconnect from our inner selves and truest desires compels us to relentlessly hustle towards society’s prescribed objectives and external validation. As a result, we lose sight of our unique path and purpose, ultimately leading to a sense of disorientation and restlessness.

Analogously, our lives resemble a ship on a vast ocean, with multiple distractions and destinations vying for our attention. In such times, it is essential to anchor ourselves to our innermost desires and chart a course that aligns with our unique aspirations, much like how sailors navigate using the stars.

‘Sankalpa’ and ‘Ichinen’ embody the power of aligning our thoughts, feelings, and actions with a higher purpose. Beyond just setting goals to achieve, these concepts invite us to connect with our deepest truth and make a vow based on it. As the Sanskrit word “san” means truth and “kalpa” means vow or intention, Sankalpa represents a sacred intention aligned with our authentic selves. Likewise, ichinen, a Japanese term for “a single moment of life or mind,” reminds us that each moment has the potential to impact the entire universe. As Daisaku Ikeda, a Buddhist philosopher, put it: “Ichinen encompasses all things — the self and the environment, good and evil, cause and effect — simultaneously in a single moment of life.” By channeling the power of sankalpa and ichinen, we can align ourselves with our highest truth and unlock the full potential of each moment.

Photo by Subhajit Jana on Unsplash

As Paulo Coelho famously wrote in “The Alchemist,” when we pursue our true purpose with unwavering determination, the universe conspires to help us achieve our goals. This philosophy aligns with the principles of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism, which emphasizes the importance of the law of cause and effect, or the mystic law. By aligning our thoughts, feelings, and actions with our ichinen or sankalpa, we set into motion a series of cause and effect that can lead us towards our desired outcomes. Moreover, when we unite our individual efforts towards a larger, synchronized movement, we create a powerful synergy and sense of momentum towards our goal. Our individual ichinen is connected to a larger purpose — a universal consciousness that supports existence. Like individual drops in the water, our sankalpa creates ripples in the larger ocean of life.

In our fast-paced world filled with technology and constant stimulation, it can be challenging to find time for introspection and self-reflection. However, to truly connect with our highest intentions and reach our full potential, it is necessary to disconnect from the constant barrage of distractions and turn within. By becoming comfortable in our own skin and rediscovering the many layers that exist within us, we can tap into our inner source and align with our true purpose. As author and motivational speaker Robin Sharma said, “To have the life you’ve never had, you must do the things you’ve never done.” Taking the time for self-reflection and introspection may be the very thing we need to unlock our full potential and live the life we truly desire.

As we learn to appreciate the value of solitude and embrace our innermost thoughts and emotions, we can revive the art of communicating with our higher selves. “Silence is the language of God; all else is a poor translation,” as Rumi eloquently put it. By establishing a daily practice of self-reflection and introspection, we allow our sankalpa to reveal itself, motivating us to become the best possible versions of ourselves. However, this journey requires us to approach it with love, patience, and unwavering commitment, knowing that the process of unmasking our true selves may be challenging and may sometimes leave us feeling vulnerable and broken.

In conclusion, as the Buddha famously said, “Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it.” Let us make this commitment to ourselves, for the world awaits our full bloom and the realization of our unique potential.



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EdD in Education (Johns Hopkins University, USA)