Getting Started

Brian Hadley
What I learned this weekend
2 min readJul 1, 2019

Learning Is Living

What I learned — getting started is hard. Getting started while also trying to catch up on Marvel universe movies with your daughter is even harder.

Maybe it’s more accurate to say, “What I remembered — getting started is hard, really hard, but its easy if you don’t think about it too much and you look for small wins”.

So here is me going for a small win, a brief catalog of this weekend’s learned things, categorized by the major themes I want to cover in this publication:

Regarding Software/ programming: My ‘software learning’ time this weekend was spent focused on Azure. The most tantalizing information I gained was regarding the ‘Cloud Shell’; I learned this weekend that at some point the Azure team swapped its run-time from Windows to Linux, in order to accelerate the time to respond from the prompt. My favorite part about this is best appreciated with the historical perspective of Windows vs all other OS. I love that the podcasters were able to share this piece of information without the slightest degree of cynicism or irony. Microsoft is officially OK admitting they can’t do everything.

Regarding Biking: It is very fun to pick yourself up and dust off and keep riding, whenever possible. If this blog accomplishes nothing else, I hope it is able to convey my conviction that biking, above almost all other human inventions, is most in tune with, and true to our most fundamental nature.

Canfield Mountain, June 30, 2019

Weekend cycling synopsis: Limited participant Cx Beer race Friday night; Saturday abstinence due to post-race (mid race?) over indulgence, excellent Sunday ride that included a nice loose corner crash which I was able to pick up and move on from fairly easily.

Regarding Life: my ability to ramble around philosophical topics is intact, but I know now more than ever how meaningless my rambling probably is. Favorite ‘epiphany’ from the weekend though regards population, economy, and conservation. The epiphany was about the juxtaposition of the two human instincts (growth, preservation), their synergies and their discords, and the system we have created to try to appease both of those fundamental drives(economy).

That’s it, for now.

Oh, and I learned when people talk about 240 in terms of electricity they mean the wire going into the plug for the appliance has two ‘hot’ wires.

