3 Experiences You Can Host This Halloween

Christopher Banks
Published in
2 min readOct 21, 2018

The graves are shaking

The black cats are out

It’s Halloween

And the monsters are about.


This Halloween is a fun time for trick or treating or having a party with friends but it is also a great opportunity to create some amazing experiences/workshops for the witches and wizards that are flying about.

A Halloween experience is a fun way to get to know some people, share a passion and earn some extra money for those treats, leaving the tricks behind.

Halloween Makeup

Have a passion for art/make-up/learning?

People love having awesome halloween makeup on but not a lot of people know how to do it. Why not learn how and teach others?

Ghost Tour

People like a good ghost tale around Halloween. Why not read up on some of your local ghost occurrences and take people on a tour?

Creepy Cooking

People prefer to be treated rather than tricked. Why not host a creepy cooking class and teach people how to treat their guests and themselves this Halloween?


The gig economy is booming and now more than ever people are going to workshops/experiences. Take advantage of that this Halloween. Use your passions to teach others while earning some money to treat yourself this Autumn.


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