3 Jobs You Will Jump out of Bed For

Christopher Banks
Published in
4 min readOct 14, 2018

If you spend a third of your life working, shouldn’t it be a job you enjoy? Unfortunately not a lot of people do. This is a sad thought, and why here at PassionDig we’re writing about 3 wonder-tastical jobs you may never even heard of, to inspire you.

We want you to see the possibilities out there and give you the encouragement to leave your unfulfilling 9 to 5 job for something you are passionate about.

Don’t rush this decision however, prepare yourself mentally and save some money so you can start your venture with ease. When you’re ready, put pedal to the metal and never look back.

Here are the 3 wonder-tastical jobs that we want to show you :)

Disney Imagineer

As kids, many of us dream about visiting Disney World and seeing the magical kingdom. What if you could have the job of making these magical places? Enter the Disney Imagineer. A combination of imagination and engineering this job allows you to use your wildest imagination and turn it into a reality. Everything at the Disney theme parks and resorts from rollercoasters and live shows to hotels and restaurants come from the minds of the Imagineers.

What’s extra special is that families who visit will treasure their memories from your creations for a lifetime.

Salary: The average salary of an Imagineer is $87,000/£66,000

Professional Bed Tester

We spend a third of our life sleeping and sometimes wish we did it more. There is now a job that will not only allow you to sleep more, but you will get paid well for it!

A Finnish hotel employs a full-time Professional Sleeper. He or she sleeps in a different room each night and critiques the comfort of beds to improve the guests’ experience.

NASA posts ads for Professional Sleeper jobs, too. As the space agency preps for travel to Mars, it studied the effects on the human body of lying still for a long time.

Salary: Volunteers for NASA got £12,000 to catch Zs for 70 days.

Legoland Designer

Children and adults alike have excitement in their heart when they see a box of Lego. Imagine how exciting and magical it would be to spend your working days creating and building with Lego. Well, now you can!

In Lego Land, a designer is needed to build their many wonderful Lego creations and that could be you. You’re basically getting paid well to play with Lego all day.

Salary: The average salary of a Legoland Designer is $55,000/£35,000.


Whatever your passion may be, trust in it, believe in it and go for it! Life is short and so we should spend it doing what is important to us. Remember, if you’re not working to build your dream, then you are just helping someone else build theirs.

There’s endless possibilities out there and are waiting for you to find.Whether you have to do another class to learn and achieve that dream job or really think about what you would love to do every week, it will be worth it in the end.

You have one life, learn passions, be passionate, do what you love !

Go to PassionDig.com where you can learn passions from passionate people.

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