4 Jobs That You Will Jump Out of Bed For

Jobs you probably never knew existed that your heart will love

Christopher Banks
4 min readApr 20, 2018


When Monday morning rises and it’s time to go to work, what is your first thought?

“I wish it was Friday” ? or “Just another hour in bed God, please.” ?

We all have dream jobs in our mind that would make us feel a bit different on those Mondays but today we’re going to show you some fun jobs that would have you jumping out of bed just to get to!

The Stand-In

▲ The real Bruce Willis and the other “Bruce Willis”s

  • Duty: Stand-ins substitute the actor/actress before filming, typically for the time-consuming technical purposes such as lighting and camera setup. They usually share similar physical characteristics with the actor/actress. They allow directors to adjust the lighting and camera setup to obtain the more visually brilliant cinematographic outcome even in the absence of the actors and actresses.
  • Salary: A stand-in earns on average $33,000/£23,000 a year. The income is highly dependent on multiple factors which may make the number fluctuating.1
  • Example: Adam Bryant, the stand-in for Robin Williams, has been working with the star for a very long time.

The Chocolatier

Stéphane Bonnat from Bonnat Chocolatier

  • Duty: A chocolatier is basically an artist with chocolate. Chocolatiers make all sorts of confectionery out of chocolate. Not to confuse them with chocolate makers who turn cacao beans and other ingredients to the treats. Chocolatiers work with chocolate exclusively and craft them into incredible treats, desserts, and candies to delight customers of all ages.
  • Salary: Average salary is $21,000/£15,000 according to Simply Hired but the number can vary significantly based on the brand, experience and location.
  • Example: Stéphane Bonnat from Bonnat Chocolatier , the gold prize winner of the 2016 International Chocolate Awards in Plain/Origin Dark Bar Categories.

The Tea Taster

Sebastian Michaelis, the tea taster whose tongue is insured

  • Duty: Literally, sipping tea. Tea tasters are expected to taste up to 200 cups of tea a day and must be versed in every type of tea imaginable. Tea tasters are required travel around the world to test new suppliers and products. Pretty alluring huh? We are deeply sorry for those sensitive to caffeine.
  • Salary: Tea tasters earn an annual salary of $38,000/£27,000.
  • Example: Sebastian Michaelis whose taste buds are so incredibly outstanding Tetley, the tea manufacturer, has insured his tongue for a stunning 1 Million pounds. Fun fact, his tongue is now as valuable as Madonna’s breasts, Heidi Klum’s legs and Julia Robert’s smile.

The Waterslide Tester

Sebastian Smith, world’s first waterslide tester

  • Duty: Waterslide tester is probably the best summer job ever. Waterslide testers travel around the world and ride on exhilarating chutes, flumes and slides. After that, they rate the rides on two factors, “Biggest Splash” and “Adrenaline Factor”. All expenses covered. There’s nothing better than a paid vacation, right?
  • Salary: £20,000 a year (approximately $30, 000)
  • Example: Sebastian Smith, a student who beat off competition from 2,000 applicants, was reported to be the first waterslide tester which he travelled around the globe to test and review on slides and venues.

It is so easy to stand still on the treadmill of life, in the same job day after day, but why do that? Life is too short. If you don’t like your job then go and explore! There’s endless possibilities out there and are waiting for you to find.Whether you have to do another class to learn and achieve that dream job or really think about what you would love to do every week, it will be worth it in the end.

You have one life, learn passions, be passionate, do what you love !

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