5 Easy D.I.Y. Hacks for a Successful Vegetable Garden

Christopher Banks
Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2017

The clouds are clearing and the sun is waking from its hibernation. Spring is almost upon us! It is time to cut the grass, get out those gardening tools and make some magic.

Today we are going to show you how to make a successfull Vegetable garden using 5 easy hacks.

Vegetables come in all different shapes and sizes. They fill your garden with colour and your stomach with something healthy. A healthy you makes a fitter and more beautiful you, both on the inside and on the outside.

Having a passion in life can benefit you in many ways. Studies show some rather unexpected benefits of gardening. Here are the top 5:

  1. Stress Relief
  2. Better Brain Health & Reduced Alzheimer’s Risk
  3. Better Immune Regulation
  4. Hand Strength & Dexterity
  5. Reduced Chances of Heart Attack & Stroke Risk

Without further ado, we present to your 5 easy hacks for a successful vegetable garden.

  1. If you are going away for the weekend and our worried about your potted plants not being watered, here’s what to do: Take an empty wine bottle, fill it with water, tip it upside pressing the top end into the soil of your plant pot and leave. This also works well if some of your plants get a lot of sun and the soil drying easily as a result.

2. Sprinkle some baking soda to create a sweet taste to your tomatoes. The baking powder lowers the acidity making your tomatoes sweeter and less tart. Put 1/4 cup per plant (making sure not to sprinkle on the actual plant) when it is 1inch in diameter and then again when half grown.

3. Use Lemons to give your seedlings a better start in life. Once you have finished squeezing your lemons for cooking or a tasty beverage, fill them with soil, make a hole in the bottom and put in your seedlings. After they start growing, place them into the ground. The peel will act as a great source of compost, nourishing the soil.

4. Use plastic forks (spikey side up) to stop animals from ruining your lovely plants. Planting plastic forks and having them stick out by your plants will deter animals from coming close to your plants and destroying all your hard work. You can also use the forks to label what plant is next to it.

5. Keep and then all together smash your empty egg shells. Breaking your egg shells into tiny pieces and then combining them with soil will help your plants grow big and strong. Eggshells are rich in calcium and just as humans need it to grow and strengthen, so do plants.

We hope this post will help you create a wonderful vegetable garden and would love for you to send us some photos/videos of your creations.

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