8 Things You Need to Know: Booking a Venue for Your Experience

Christopher Banks
Published in
5 min readMar 7, 2019

When it comes to hosting an experience, sometimes the right location can be just as important as the experience itself. A wrong venue or lack of prepearation can turn a wonderful experience into an embarrassing evening.

That is why today, we are here to provide you with 8 things you need to know when selecting your venue.

We want to help you showcase your experience in style and have your customers leaving your experience talking about how great it was, rather then how uncomfortable it felt or unprepared.

Are you ready for the 8 things that could make all the difference?

Here they are:


Having a space with lots of wall space can be great for your experience. Whether it is things showing how to do things in the class or advertising for your website, wall space is very useful.

Before you start sticking things to the walls however, make sure that it is okay with the people who own the venue. Blue tac is a great thing to use for sticking things up or bringing a whiteboard or two is another great way to go.

Space to Move Around.

For an active class that requires movement then space is one of the first things you should be looking at. If your experience mainly involves a lot of sitting down, space is still important. Space can give a better feeling psychologically compared to a cramp little room. Space for people to chat at the beginning and the end will be beneficial too. This will encourage friendships and better possibilities of people returning to your experience.

Make sure to ask venues what the room capacity is for the room and with what layout they got those figures.


When booking a venue make sure you see what furniture is in the room. Do you need lots of tables in there or will that block space you need. Can tables be moved so you can have people facing each other. There might be too few tables.

Whatever your needs are, check what is or isn’t in the room so you can plan properly.


Acoustics can play a major part in the success of your experience. Whether you need your voice to travel in a big room or whether you don’t want it to echo loudly off the walls, you must check the acoustics.

You can’t control the outside traffic noise but you can visit different locations and see which works best when you practice talking there.


Good natural light is brilliant for workshops, strip lights or poor lighting in general is not. Especially when you are writing things down, and reading things from a distance, bad light can be a real headache (literally).

When looking for a venue try visiting when it gets dark. This will allow you to see what the lighting is like. Too dark and people will struggle seeing material or even you. Too bright and it could cause headaches.

Best lighting for an experience is natural daylight.


This is a big one. There will be all different kind of people attending your experience and you want to know that they will all be able to comfortably get into your workshop. Check how you would have to get into the building, then to the room. Does it have ramps (if theres stairs) or elevators?

Ask the venue what assistance they can give if needed. Also remember that accessibility does not stop at physical needs.


A big question that a lot of people tend to ask is, “Is there parking?” If you can find a venue that has parking then that is great. Even if it it only street parking, you will still have a happier customer.

Talk to the venue about available parking and check out the area yourself.

Remember though that not everyone will be coming by car, so check out bicycle racks, bus stops and train stations near by.

Those Little Extras

Sometimes a venue might tick all the above boxes but might still need a little freshening up. This can be achieved by bringing something as simple as flowers in a vase or colourful table cloths. You could also put pictures on the walls as well as samples of your work.

If you can incorporate these objects into your class then that is even better! This will tie the whole room and experience together.


Finding the right location can take a while but it plays a huge part in the success of your experience. You want to be able to walk into the venue on the day of your experience, confident and only thinking about the experience. Nobody likes nasty suprises or feeling embarrassed because they can’t answer a question about the venue or it turns out some of the lights don’t work.

Whatever experience you’re thinking of hosting we would love to hear about it! Comment below and be sure to sign up with your email address on our website today.

If you want help developing your passions or finding new ones, then head over to PassionDig where we believe in running the marathon with you, every step of the way.

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