A Coffee Artist with a Passion for Spreading Positivity

Christopher Banks
Published in
4 min readOct 24, 2018

There are many types of art forms but honestly, did you ever think art made with coffee would be one? Me neither.

Kent also known as Dudu takes drops of coffee and turns them into beautiful art using only a spoon and his imagination.

Sometimes it takes courage to pursue our passions, especially when a lot of people in this world will try to discourage you from doing it. Dudu believes you should always do what you love, no matter what.

We caught up with him to ask him a few questions about his passion for art, and coffee.


Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

I’m from Malaysia. A multicultural society. As a travelling artist, I doodle wherever I go. My journey began with a cup of long black when I first doodled at a cafe about four years ago. I love to explore more food and seek new inspirations through travel.

These days, people are struggling to make a living, including me. What helps me de-stress is to doodle a great and fun piece to cheer people up and hopefully take a bit of their stress away. That’s how the doodle journey started. Sharing is Caring.

What is your passion and why?

I wish to spread positive messages through art because a lot of people nowadays are stressed, and I hope my art could enlighten their day.

How did you get into coffee art and is it hard to do?

I am a coffee lover. One day, the idea of using coffee as a tool just popped into my head. Drawing with coffee could be easy, but I challenged myself by using a spoon for free-hand coffee drawing.

What does “passion” mean to you?

Passion is to do what you love and push yourself to the next level. For me, passion is the primary motivation to keep me consistently producing art every day, as I have a full-time job in the corporate world.

What message would you give to people wanting to pursue a passion but who are maybe nervous?

Follow your passion and never give up. Take a deep breath and try again. Initially, some people advised me to give up art as they believed the art was just to kill time. However, they started to accept and appreciate art after they understood the reason for spreading joy with art.


Passions can come in all shapes, sizes and in this case, different blends. The important thing is to focus on it, work hard and ignore the naysayers out there. If you can dream it, then it’s possible.

Take this blog as inspiration to go out and do what you love today. Don’t be the person who looks back on their life thinking what if.

Need more inspiration, motivation or just a few tips where to start? At PassionDig we believe in not only helping people discover passions but also helping nurture those passions, helping you get to where you dream to be.

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